Lesson 2

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After Felix and I get out of my tent, Regina meets us with, "Time for lesson two." We go over near the middle of our little camp. "What Pan doesn't know is that if you are an element talent like you, you can change into an animal," Regina explains.

"I can turn into an animal," I question with a little bit of disbelief. "You have the ability to turn into a Phoenix. But you will look like fire that is in the shape of a bird," she says.

"How do I do that," I ask. "You simply just believe in yourself. You throw your arms in front of you and it should put you into a Phoenix," she explains.

"I'll try," I say getting ready to do what I was instructed. Felix comes up to me before I start and says, "I believe in you," he says. He smiles. I smile back. I throw my arms hard in front of me. I feel like I'm levitating. I open my new found bird eyes and see Regina on the ground. I'm flying. I actually did it.

"Woohoo," everyone yells. "Flap your wings toward me really hard. It should send a huge lap of fire," Regina yells. I do as I'm told. I flap my wings really hard. It sends a fire towards Regina. She stops it, of course.

I fly back down to the ground. I throw my wings hard in front of me. I wake up from being a bird and see my regular arms.

"I knew you could do it," my blonde, scar-faced boyfriend makes me feel better. "I'm so proud of you," Regina says.

"Thanks Mom," I say as I call her mom for the first time since I've met her. She smiles. I made her day a whole lot better.

"Now let's go get my step brother back," I say determined.

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