The Truth

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"Tell anyone what," Emma says from behind Pan. "Don't tell,Pan," I say. "Oh well you see, your new friend here worked for me. She has powers. She can make fire and do stuff with fire," he explains while Emma has a surprised look on her face, "she is the reason your son is here. Her parents are Hook and Regina." With a bewildered look on her face, Emma says, "Regina has no kids. Only Henry." I didn't mean to, but I sent a fireball towards Pan. He somehow stopped it before it hit him. I sort of gasped. "You think that can hit me," he yells and throws it towards me. I move out of the way by just an inch. Emma has just this shocked and nervous expression on her face as she says, "what the hell was that?" "If you want to know, you need to ask her and get her to tell the truth," pan says as he scoots in closer towards me then leaves. Emma and I walk back to camp. She pushes me to sit down and says, "I think it is time for you to tell us what the hell Pan was talking about back there!" Everyone stared at me. I finally spoke up, "what do you want to know first?" "Are Regina and Hook your parents," Emma asked. Regina and Hook looked weirded out. I shook my head yes. "I would know if I have a daughter," Regina said. Hook nodded his head in agreement. "Shut up. Did you help bring Henry to this island," Emma questioned. Again I shook my head yes. Regina and Emma began to look angry.

"Why," she asked. "I thought I loved him so I did what he wanted me to do," I replied. Snow White said, "anyone does anything for love Regina. I mean look at Charming and I." Regina looked defeated. "I'm sorry I brought your son here. I broke his trust. He doesn't even know about my powers," I said apologetically. "Powers," Regina questioned. "She has the power to do stuff with fire," Emma explained. Regina looked anxious to find about how that works. "If I can get you trained properly for you can use all your powers, you might could beat Pan. Are you okay with that," she asked. I nodded yes.

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