Final lesson

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"You will never be able to hurt me," he says. He lets me go and I walk away.

After that thrilling chat with Pan, I decide to go back to my camp. When I get there, I see my mom and Felix standing there. "Time for your final lesson," she says. I nod.

"For your last lesson, you will need to learn how to be able to fight ice if he decides to use that as a weapon," she said. "I don't think that's possible. Ice is one of my weaknesses for a reason," I reply back with frustration.

"You can do it," her and Felix say with belief. "I'll give it go," I said.

She threw ice at me. Instead of trying to deflect it, I step out of the way. It hits a nearby tree that was behind me. "Sorry," I apologize.

"This time when I throw the ice, channel you anger towards Pan and use your fire," she yells back.

I could think of the times he lied, the time he threw me into a cold room, and the time he hurt Felix. "I'm ready," I say angrily.

She throws the ice. I bring my anger and put it into fire. My fire hits the ice making it melt.

I feel relieved and happy. "You did it," she says very proudly. Felix gives me a quick kiss.

Someone steps out of the forest. "Hello dearies," a recognizable Scottish voice says. Rumplestilskin. "You get away from here. You low life jerk," I yell as in ready to go beat him up. Felix pulls me back.

"I'm guessing she didn't tell you Regina," he says. "Tell me what," she ponders. "Oh well when you were giving birth to her, I put the fire talent in her and some of my blood," he says.

"How could you not tell me that," she says angry. "I'm sorry," I say apologetically.

"Told you that you were just like me. Not telling the truth all the time. Finding love in the wrong place. And definitely, trying to be good at things to get attention," he says as he comes up close to me. He comes so close I can smell his breath.

I would do something, but Felix has my arms behind my back. "I will never be like you. Ever," I say as I spit in his face. He wipes it away.

"I actually came to help you defeat Pan," he says as he turns to Regina. "Really what information do you have," she asks.

"He's headed to Skull Rock," he says.

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