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"Did you hear that," I said looking at the rest of them. They all shook their heads yes. Then Charming notices and says, "has anyone seen Ace since she went to take a break?" "The scream was Ace," I point out, "they must've taken her while she was in the forest." "What should we do," Emma asks. After she asked that, we decided to go look for her. If I had known I had a daughter sooner, she would've been with us in storybrooke already. Now that I know, I need to get her home. "Regina we are going to find her. She will come home with us and you will raise her," Snow comes up to me and compassionately says. "Thanks for comforting me," I say back. "Let's get my daughter and Henry," I yell.


After we locked her in the cold room, I felt a little sad. Also I didn't care at the same time. "Pan you said you wouldn't hurt her. That no one would be harmed except taking Henry's heart," Felix says angrily. "I lied felix so what. You lied to Skylar before you came here," I said. Skylar was felix's true love. Then he decided to come here instead of stay with her. He brought her here for maybe two days. Then I made him choose. He chose Neverland. "Don't ever talk about Skylar. Your such a jerk. Ace loved you. Now your trying to kill her," felix says while trying to hit me. I dodge it and he hits the tree. I then grab and choke slam him into the tree. I hold him by his neck against the tree and say, "you help her get out of that room and your gone." "Let me go," he tries to say with words barely coming out. I let him go and leave.


After he lets go, I look into the sky for help somehow. I stop and lose hope. I wish Skylar was here to tell me what to do. I don't understand why I care about Ace so much. Maybe because I could see the love in her eyes for Pan. Or maybe because I don't want Pan to hurt someone else. "Felix it's me," someone says. I turn around and don't see anyone around. I look closely and hear the same voice. "Who's there," I say with a hint of paranoia in my voice. "Felix you have to help her," it says. "Just help her and deal with the consequences," it says again. "Ok I will," I respond. "Goodbye," it says and leaves. I see a dark shadow leave. It looks like Skylar's.

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