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"Maybe you two should get rest," Emma suggests. We agree with her and go into this little room on the ship. There is two beds. We both lay down in one.

"We'll see you later," Mom says to me and Henry. As I'm falling asleep, I think about life. I get to have the life I've been wanting for a long time. An awesome mother, a pirate dad, and a brother will be the best family ever.

"Now I've got you," a voice says in the window. "Pan," I question.

"This is all your fault," he yells at me, "now I'm getting your brothers heart forever!"

I try to throw a fireball at him, but he dodges it. He is almost there. I scream at the top of my lungs.

I hear footsteps coming. "No you will not," rumple says as he comes in. He pulls out Pandora's box. He opens it and it tries to suck Pan in.

Luckily it does. I saw something glow in Henry's eyes. I don't know what it is.

I just ignore it.

"That was close," I tell Henry. "Yeah," he agrees, "at least we'll never have to see him again."

I shake my head.

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