Tom °Gray°

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A/N: So, not too long ago I went to this con, Chibi Chibi con! And what I'd like to know is if I saw any of you lovely Jellyfish there?? My friend was cosplaying Tord, while me and my other two friends dressed up as kids from South Park! I'd like to HOPE I saw at least ONE of you guys there!

Request for: Pandacat64, who is wonderful and nice and a LOVELY person for waiting so long!

Today was shaping up to be one of those days. A day where you just didn't want to get out of bed, not to eat, not to live. You didn't want to give in to feeling this way, but unfortunately that's just not how depression works.

Temptations of past self-destructive habits arose with your whirling and chaotic emotions. Three months ago your loving boyfriend had convinced you to throw away your razor, and you had promised him never to do something like cutting yourself again.

Tom was understanding and supportive through the whole ordeal, he even promised to cut back on his drinking if you stopped hurting yourself. You just couldn't let him down now.

But keeping yourself away from those destructive tendencies was becoming harder than you expected. Nothing you did was working; you tried playing video games, listening to music, writing, drawing, napping, watching TV.

But each and every mind-numbing activity only seemed to make things worse.

Still refusing to give in to temptation you sought the one person who you knew could help. Tom.

The soft strum of your blue-hooded boyfriend playing his bass reverberated through the house in a soft echo that grew louder as you approached his bedroom. You were beginning to have a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, and you were becoming pretty sure Tom was having one of those days too.

The humming of his bass started out smooth and soft, but quickly came to a halt when you heard him sharply hit two wrong cords. Softly muffled curses followed in the miffed tone of Tom's voice.

Yep, Tom was most certainly having one of those days too.

Shakily you knocked on his door, you would've preferred to just open the door, but he liked keep his room on lock down. All of the time. Even to you.

A disgruntled sigh sounded from the other side of the door. You could hear Tom shuffling around in his room for a moment before the door slowly slid open. The bored and tired expression on your lover's face melted away into a gently tired smile when he caught sight of you.

"(Y/N), babe, what's up? You need something?" He asked you, a grin playing at his lips.

Tom's dorkish smile was infectious, and despite yourself and your mood, you ended up returning the grin. When you smiled, you watched Tom's smile finally reach his eyes, causing you to smile wider.

The void-eyed blond quirked a brow, grinning down at you, "Yes, (Y/N), your smile is very adorable, but what did you need?" He asked once more.

You let out a puff of air, tiredness weighing down your features as you attempted to retain your smile. You failed to do so and allowed your gaze to drift to the ground. No words were spoken as Tom shuffled aside to let you into his room, locking the door behind you. It was clear that Tom knew what was going on.

The bedsprings groaned under your weight as you sat down, and creaked louder when Tom claimed his place next to you. The world seemed to slow and dull around you as Tom reached to grab Susan from beside the bed. It didn't help your slowed perception that Tom was actually moving rather slowly.

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