chapter forty one

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The pouring rain set a depressing vibe across everyone as we all squeezed in to the small canteen the school provided. We, being Louis, Danielle and I were forced on to a table alongside my brothers group, I was unwillingly shoved beside Caitlin, as she twirled her long blonde hair in between her fingers, setting my teeth on edge.

"So Sophie, where were you this weekend? You didn't return any of my messages?" Danielle asked, raising an eyebrow sarcastically.

"I was just with my family, Sunday we had to go out in to town, mum wanted to get me a new dress for the country club next month." I said taking my blazer in between my fingers and fiddling with the hem. Louis chuckled beside me knowingly.

"And what about Saturday?" Danielle smiled leaning across the table, resting her tired face in her hands, distorting her appearance. I had told Louis what happened Saturday, he came around on Sunday for dinner, and I couldn't keep it from him he has been my best friend since I can remember, and he's on my side when it comes to Niall, so I couldn't just not tell him.

"Saturday my mum took us to brunch." I mumbled.


I sighed knowing that Danielle, obviously somehow knew where I had had brunch and was now teasing me, pushing me to tell her I had spent the day with Niall. "At Nialls parents." I sighed running a hand through my hair as I felt Caitlin shift beside me, flicking her blonde hair behind her back as a squeak escaped her mouth.

I glanced around to Caitlin as she rose an eyebrow judgingly at me.

"You are unbelievably obvious." She laughed as I shuffled away from her, closer to Louis. I searched behind her in hope that my brother was there, after our making up, he would stand up for me, or at least I hoped he would. But Matthew wasn't at the table, nobody but Caitlin and a few of her stuck up friends were.

"Excuse me?" I sighed feeling Louis' hand squeeze my arm, supporting me.

"Oh I went to Nialls house, oh Niall and I aren't friends." She laughed again, it wasn't even a laugh, it was a cackle, a high pitched, obnoxious cackle. "The whole year knows you and him are fucking." She laughed again as I took a deep breath.

"We are not having sex." I said through gritted teeth as she smirked glancing towards her friends and shaking her head slowly.

"Please sweetie, everybody knows, it's sad really." She cackled again "everyone sort of put up with you for the past five years, because they almost respected you and your loyalty. Now look at you, fucking some punk that would never touch you in a million years." She turned to her friends who were all smirking viciously. "Little slut must be paying the boy." Her friends burst out in laughter as I felt my face redden and I fought to hold back my tears.

"You are so wrong." I whispered as she cackled for the fifth time, I turned to Danielle who was glaring at Caitlin, her bottom lip almost quivering.

"Hey babe." I looked over to see Matthew standing above a now grinning, floating Caitlin who was gazing back up at my brother. Matthew glanced over to me and smiled confusedly. "You two were talking?" he asked dropping an eyebrow as i stared at Caitlin.

"We were sitting next to each other, so I thought I should get to know my boyfriend's little sister." She smiled patronisingly at me.

"They're the same age actually." Danielle said from across the table as she glared towards her quickly. Caitlin made the squeaky noise from her mouth again as she smiled up at my brother. Matthew looked confused but at the same time happy his girlfriend and sister seemed to be getting along.

"I'm going to class." I muttered as I stood up, Louis tried to grab me, pulling me back but I shook free of his grip and stumbled out of the canteen, desperate to escape to the empty corridors.

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