chap(5) let's try to be friends

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Bryan's POV:

  We were on our way to school the weekends were so long and boring and hopefully we didn't even finished our assignment, great ....I got out of my newest car that my uncle gifted me not being show off jerk but really it's a model to die for "VUHL 05" .....well Mike is the one whose driving that's because my dear Mother had a bet with him to which she lost, it's her habit of betting with my bestie and over my things.

  "Man I will join you in a bit you go I'm going to park it" said Mike. "Sure" I said Mike is the only one who's this close to me well others can be to no doubt but I'm comfortable around him.

   "Hey look that's soo creepy" said a girl, who was passing by.

Yeah the creepy one is you dear who has fake body parts.

"What's with you huh so fake are you one of the deads" said Nick.

"Adria Roberts"

I jerked my head a little to see but as he names her I make my way to the corridor.

"knock it off Nick" I founded myself saying.
"Bryan my bro wasn't it your idea enforce some law around here and there" he grinned.

I looked at Aveline as she was averting her grey eyes around and closing them. It just pisses of me "She's my slave Nick back off from my things or you want some nice tattoo on your face" I said annoyed with his talk.

"So much for being fake put those lens out Adria because you look like some hideous creature" said Natalie .

"those are her real eyes pop yours up" I said before punching the locker. "Get your ugly face away from my girl before I squeeze something you will regret for not having" roared May behind us.... I know by now that May maybe smart but she can kicks the life out of you if you mess with Aveline.

  "May she's okay-" she cuts Mike "non of your business Bourne stay put" she said taking Aveline away.

I followed them from step to step when Aveline turns "Give me your stuff so you can leave" she said. First it took me a moment to understand what she was saying then I remembered that I declared that shes my Slave.... "Ahh these from your last visits you forgot" I handed her stuff.

"Don't worry I already completed the assignment yesterday so I will give them later. " she said, "So now tell me why'd you ran off to" I asked.

"She forgot that her pops was coming so she rushed of" said May in her normal tone, 'Woah she can be nice'.

"Bryan you're keys" said Mike. It was like you saw a ghost or something as May was undoubtedly staring more like digging holes in Mike's stare back there was a complete silence  when I grabbed Aveline "hey I want to talk someplace more comfortable" she nodded quietly.

Adria's POV:

  "Hey I want to talk someplace more comfortable" said Bryan. I nodded well I don't love seeing May and Mike being distrub so I slip away with him.

"Thanks for saving me back there from Nick" I whispered. "That is what a master should do for his Slave" I rolled my eyes over his pity comeback. Sure.

"I found out about your connection with Mike and all, so I know he's an idiot for doing that but I want you two to give him a chance and I know he won't risk it" he said looking in my eyes, say what Mike wants to be friends again but didn't he say that we were some disease that could infect his popularity?

"If he wanted he could have come to us and said it himself" I answered in monotone, he should know how he broke May's heart and our trust..... Well he never harmed us.

" Did that crazy penguin ever harmed you? " he said penguin!! Haha that's nice.

"Never but that won't help us being friends again" I said it did hurt when he blowed our 6 years of friendship in one go.

"Just give him a chance" groaned Bryan.

"It's not that easy" I said

"Hazel où es-tu? pour l'amour de Dieu ne me fais pas peur comme ça!"(Hazel where are you? for god sake don't scare me like that! ) said May in frustration her French is even more smooth than ever.

"Je vais bien, vous n'avez pas à vous inquiéter Peut-être que je viens de parler à Bryan"(I'm fine you don't have to worry May I was just talking to Bryan) I said and Bryan was smirking "So you're French "

"Partly My mom is French so hmm" I said like its no deal.

"Yeah it's interesting" said Mike after a while.

Bryan was looking at me as if I took something without telling him, I gave him a 'what' look and he signaled me towards Mike. what now!!  In front of May...... He was smiling... Good now he really is serious.

"Amm Mike....... Let's try to be friends.... Again" I said clutching my sleeves.

I looked at May who had a horrid look on her face and I saw Mike's face lighten up........ Is he that relief???? 

"Now that's a good Slave" whisper Bryan in my ear.....

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