Chap(21) Small secret.

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  Adria POV:

[Adria ma chérie prends ton repos ton papa t'as du gâteau de glace.](Adria sweetie take rest your Dad's got you ice cake.) said my Mama she's been trying to call me downstairs .

I know I'm being mean but I have to pass this tests with flying colours,thats all I can think of [Maman, je vais prendre une bouchée plus tard.](Mama I will take a bite later). I call her out, probably Pops having the same trouble with May she bet on Mike to pass top 20.

   There was three knocks on my door but I didn't pay attention like always there is some kind of nerd spirit that over comes me. "I see someones being a smartass" I spun on my chair.

"Toby, that's a quiet surprise" I chuckled meeting my old pal. You don't get to see him anywhere he's a rare piece.

"seeing you study like that make me feel burdened you know" he gives me a mischievous look.

He sits over my bed hugging my Totoro get your hands off him ya brute. Well whom I kidding he doesn't give any sh¡t about it anyways.

" you have been avoiding the hospital lately aren't you" he shots a question and boy he's not happy.

"just three days only" I said biting my lip let me tell you this if Kendall is a hassle his little brother is a mad hassle. Meet Toby Michelle.

   " you crazy woman who do you think you are? " he angrily punches the table... I bet Kendall did something to set him off.

"studying!" I say sarcastically.. Okay not a best thing to do, he looks up yikes there is a mass murderer in my house.

" have you forgotten the impression it left me when I saw you like that, the girl I use to tease and bully was going through such critical condition" I saw vein sprouting from his neck.

"I'm taking medicine and-" I get cut off rudely. " Adria do you understand what your saying!! You have COPD it's not just asthma anymore... You don't have proper lungs ...the heck you didn't had well developed lungs from the start" he roar when Mama comes up staring at Toby's outburst.

  "Toby what's wrong?" I ask as he breaks down. It's making Mama anxious. "you're reports of past months aren't what we thought , it can be critical any moment why don't do understand god dammit" he goes out of my room.

Mama looks at me sadly showing that she bought pill to me... I take them and ran downstairs looking for Toby..

For a while I have been running around this place "Hey idiot want to die, stop running I'm here" Toby says. Im 100% sure I checked there.

I sit there with him and he gives me water to drink " remember when I called you a monster back in days... I was just amazed by your eyes, then we made a small crew of us but the twins transferred after a year later" he stops and took at me " and when you had your panic attack when why brother was a practice doctor at our school it wasn't a good memory seeing you like that, coughing trying to inhale whatever you could".

  I look at him and put my hands over him "I promise just after these exams I'm coming to hospital okay".

"you have to give exams" he said "Toby yes I have to" I hit him. That's the only thing that I'm good at.

"you know I pray for you every day" he said swinging.

"that's why your deciding to be a doctor" I point to him.

"it's our small secret Hazelnut" he said ugh that's my way old name like wayyy old.

"Toby doby sure" his look says it all that's what you get from recalling my nickname.

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