Chap(9) six days with her.

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Bryan's pov:

Great, some time off from all this as I point Jace and Nigel who are trying to strangle each other. I rub my fingers on my head trying to figure how to stop them, to my liking Mike sprays water on both earning him evil glares. "oh cut it out will you too" said Mike handing them tissue. "Tell him to shove off first,he's been messing up with me " says Nigel, " Jace why in the world are so happy" I ask.

"Well only because I fought a guy , Nigel could't handle." Jace answers, Mike hold his laugh and I think Nigel notice as he gives both of them dead glares. " Son, its good to see you" my dad says holding Cynthia, "Big bear , papa bear is taking us to dinner tomorrow" she chirps, she looks at the guys , "Hellow, Moo bear " she jumps on Mike. "It's not nice to ignore the rest is it, Cynthia" comes a voice as sweet as her. "Mom how are you?" as I greet her , " Great honey".

"hellow,funny bear and .....angry bear" she pauses as she looks at Nigel. Nigel however hold her and she gets shocked and about to cry , " Hey stop your scaring her" Jace protest. "Nah we're playing" ......"okay both of you stop scaring my sis, I have to tell dad something okay so listen or shoo away" I say.

"Me and Mike are going to Paris for a while so I won't be able to carry the mission" I say noticing my Dads stare.

"Then skip it. " says Nigel.

"No he won't " jokes Mike.

"I don't mind, you will carry another when your back" my dad says in his calm voice, that was easy.

I stare at Nigel who's giving me a 'tell us look', "It's only a school trip" I say. " Well we will come too" said Jace happily.... No.
"and why? " I ask.

"for fun I mean we can't leave you alone can we right Mike" said Jace.

"Bryan were throwing a party after you come, it's your sisters birthday after all" Mom says.

I head outside , Nigel following me so does Jace and Mike they can't leave me alone for a second after all being the only heir to "Blackburn" family it's quite hard to live alone you never know what happens.

" The mall it is" said Jace opening the front door. "What are you a girl? " said Nigel.... Ugh no again I love them but this is getting out of hand. "Hey were leaving tomorrow so yeah we need some equipments" said Mike.

Few hours later:

"See I told you it wasn't a good idea to bring him along" groans Jace.

"Okay I got what I wanted so let's eat" I said.

I look behind me to see their faces but unfortunately I only see two, I pretty sure I bought three idiots along.

"[Regarde où tu vas?] (look where you're going?" says a voice which I'm too familiar with cause only one person speaks that way when there angry.

" I'm so sorry I too wasn't looking were I was going" said another voice..... Aveline.

" No I'm sorry I got lost" says.... Nigel what's he doing there.

"Oye Nigel what are doing hitting on a girl" said Jace lunging himself over Nigel.

"Stop messing around" says Mike.

"What are you doing here? " said Aveline looking at me.

"It's a public mall " I say in my duh voice.

She gives me a weird look to my surprise she starts to talk with Mike ignoring me, Mike introducing Jace and Nigel all is well and what about me?. I take the heavy bags that I was carrying well loaded with guns that is and I hand it to Aveline.

"Ah it's ahhh so heavy what's in there?" she lifts. Now we're talking.

  "some stuff for the trip" I joke.

"She's nice and calm unlike the other girls" Jace comments.

"Yeah tell me about it I'm the one whose going to spend six days with her" I point at her trying to grip the whole heavy bag.

She's different but only for me..

I'm Here With You [Complete] √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora