Chap(22) Those exams were brain torture.

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I was biting my nails off.... Today's the where all my hard work will pay off. But the thing that was killing since this morning was the results..

There were both happy and anxious moments what if he fails... Or pass I'm toast on both sides... If he passes I have to buy him popcorn and watch movie that he favours. Then if he fails.... Mr Gilbert is going to skin me alive.

"come on I have to see the results" May said dragging, no I don't want to see look there he is all smiling and goofing around...

He looks at me and starts pointing towards the board I shake my head in a funny way... "he made it to top 20 Hazel look at this" May said. That's what I didn't want to know..

He jumps over me and pinches my left check. "so that's how I made it top twenties". He smirks and I look at Mike who was talking to each others.

"so tomorrow Movie night" he whispers take my hands and gives me a piece of paper.. 

I, Bryan Robinson won a bet which Adria lost to me.


    Sign here and admit defeat. (・´з'・)

Why that twerp, I'm gonna.... Ugh in frustration I stomp my foot.. "so what's with you and Mike" I said, she clung to me "He called my bet off" ....the only expression on my face was dry.  I get it that was well planned boys.


   "stop whining your the one who started it off with your bet" May said.

Lucky you. I don't have a crazy master sticking my back off. Overall Mike being such a cute heart. " I'm his so called Assistant... that makes him have a double hand over me" I said.

"look here Mama bought us these ain't they pretty come on let's try them on" she clapped her hands.

(left : May's outfit)    (right:  Adria's outfit)

  I opened the bathroom door and started the warm tap filler the bathtub with warm water

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  I opened the bathroom door and started the warm tap filler the bathtub with warm water. I better stay here then go out.

   The boy will be the last of me, the heat makes the room feel dizzy. I wrap a towel around me. Running through my stuff I look for inhaler... My chest starts to ache .

  "Mama.. .."I called out. My hand started to shake alot.....May barged into my room Mama was with her. That's what I know as I started seeing stars


  "Not to worry Mrs Roberts, just the another seizure Toby told me she will visit the hospital after her exams" ugh sounds like Doc.

   "Toby really likes to see me in hospital gowns that's all mama" I said my voice sounds rash.


   "Girls where have you been?" Mike says "an hour late that's good way to kill time". Bryan was looking at the ticket in his hand and ignoring our presence.

"Mike what happened to him?" I said to Mike, "bit cranky this morning don't know why? " he answered.

" what's wrong with you?" I asked concerned after all he's like a friend. "come on the movie begin at ten seconds... I better hope you have money cause I will be needing two large popcorn" he turns around leaving the place.

"I don't know if the exams were brain torture or his demands" I said. Making my way to the stand.

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