Chap(12)....That's one big clock

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Adria POV:

   Now we we're in Paul's car.. Yup strange fella I agree. Bryan was sitting in front while me, Nigel and Jace were at back, getting squished.

  Last time I visited was when May and I were little, Grandpa always enjoyed our visit that time Grandma wasn't in her great health. It was hard to see her like that, but he would spend every single day with her.

  Our mum were crying a lot that day more than normal, that's when we found out Grandma passed away, soon after Grandpa too started to fell ill.

  It bring some of the warmest memories.

"that jerk, he was just behind us" Nigel said, irritated.

"we better find him, than I will kill him with my own hands" Jace said.... Scary.

I felt a throb in my chest, it was building in again and more painful, but I couldn't show it to others, again and I clasped Jace's hand tightly. He opened the car window abit. I didn't had claustrophobia,but it seemed like it.

"you okay" Jace whispered.

I nodded my head, when Bryan pulled his hand back for me to hold, I accepted his hand all the way.

"according to my calculations it's the nearest place to the hotel" Paul said.

It was small souvenir shop, did he.... Wait what, why did he came here.

" it's creepy how you know where he went" said Bryan. That was true how did he knew about this.

"from my place I can see a lot from here to there" he pointed to a big clock.

"that's a big clock" Jace said.

  "Now let's find him and the other one calls" Bryan said and we split into one.

Nope he's not here either , nah not there... hmm Mike let me be the one to kill you first. The streets started to spin , everything around me was now blurry I tried to focus.

  Paul who was following me steadied me, he was looking for others when I heard a voice I couldn't focus but I think it was May.

"who are you? " the first question she asks Paul.

"May Merle Arthur, I think her health is getting worse than I thought " he said to May, who was shocked.... He just said her full name..... Full name.

"annhn May.. t-the pill y-you right I need it" I said

Without a second she gave me the pill she had, and I gulped it harshly without any water. My throat was hurting from sudden contact with that horrible pill.

" mind keep this from the guys" I said, rubbing my throat.

"Never saw a thing" Paul answer.

He looked at May and whispered something to her.

  Granddaughters of Mr Theodore and daughters of Odette and Julia

  He winked and snapped his fingers at May who was petrified.

"I found him, he's here" I heard Nigel leading Mike.

In second all the boys were over him and he was holding brown bags wrapped around him, May was stopping them, Paul had emotional face.

"hey.. How do you know our Grandparents? Who are you? " these questions were roaming in my head.

"let's just say I'm in his debt, and I know who you are but your memory aren't strong" he said.

  I just looked at him... he knows Mama and not her but Mom too. ....who is he, May was also finding it hard to believe it.

"Oi, my little slave why are you sulking like that May and Mike were out for fun" he pulled me up into his arms.

  He had a steady heartbeat, his tired eyes, all of us were tired. But I was okay now the medicine do pay off.

"make me some lemonade when we reach home" he said.


Next day was our flight back, Nigel and Jace we're wearing caps to hide their face from Mr Gilbert. Paul was sending us off.

Bryan being Bryan handed me his entire bags, I look like a man whose carrying his wife's shopping bags, Paul took some of my hand.

"I would like to see you and Miss Arthur in more formal ways" he said.

"You still didn't tell us who you are?" I said.

He laughed " You have Sir Marcus's personality, always questioning".

"come on Aveline , we're leaving" Bryan pushed me away, shaking hands with Paul.

"Bye, Adria Aveline Roberts daughter of Lady Odette. take care, Miss May " Paul bowed.

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