happy endings

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Andy moved out as Ash moved back in as I walked down stairs to see him playing with Harley as I smiled wide  as he looked up " ready steady woosh" he said picking her up and kissing her on the cheek as I smiled as walked over and kissed him as he placed Harley down and wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed me softly as I smiled as he pulled away , I missed this I missed him but most of all I was finally getting what I always wanted a family of my own , we was going to stay at his grandparents for the week so they could spend time with Harley and Ash could start teaching her how to ride a horse at a young age " every thing is sorted for when we go to Missouri " I said as he kissed me on the cheek as I walked into the kitchen and he followed as I started cooking dinner as I turned around to see him on one knee holding the ring As I smiled " Georgia, will you do me the honour of marrying me , i swear to love and protect you for as long as I shall live , I want you and Harley in my life for ever and maybe have another pair of little feet running around at some point in the future, I love you " he said as tears pricked up in my eyes " yes, a thousand times yes" I said as he smiled and said the ring back onto my finger as he kissed me as I kissed back , I couldnt all my lucky stars and I ended up with the most amazing man in the world .
The best part is that I didn't find him , he found me.

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