Chapter 23

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Rey's POV:

      "We're winning, but I have to give you guys credit you not give up." He says

"How many people are still alive?" I ask

"Few hundred maybe, but we plan to have them all dead in about 2 or 3 days." Kylo says throwing his helmet aside.

My heart feels like it drops into my stomach, when he says that and I know Kylo senses it too.

"So you've learned how to meditate." He asks

"Ya I checked out this book from the library and it taught me how to." I say

"If you would join the dark side, you would've learned to meditate far long ago and right now you would be one of the most powerful people in the galaxy." Kylo says

"I doubt that, and I felt your presence when you walked out of Snokes throne room, you had anger and rage but also you were afraid. I can tell your afraid of Snoke Kylo, I am sense it."

I could tell that I shouldn't of said that, because he starts getting really angry.

"You don't know anything! Your not a sith or a Jedi so how would you know!" He yells at me his face trying red.

"It's not like I can sense that your afraid too, you have someone special out fighting, don't you think I know what, why else would you be asking me about it every time the force connects us." He says

I feel my checks heat up and I can tell that I'm blushing but also I get angry too. We stand there giving each other the evil eye, not saying anything. Right as I'm about to say something I feel someone grab my shoulders and Shake me. I feel myself losing focus and the force link gets broken and, I open my eyes to see Finn shaking my shoulders with a worried look on his face. He sighs in relief when I open my eyes,
"What?!" I say

"Few your awake, man I thought you were diying or something your were shaking, and mumbling to yourself." He says helping me up.

"No I found a book on meditating and I was practicing it." I say

"Oh, ok" he says seeming embarrassed.

"So how's you get in here without a key?" I say trying to change the subject.

"Oh, BB-8, she knows a way to unlock anything." Finn says grinning and then looking at BB-8.

"Is the lock on my door broken now." I say raising one of my eyebrows looking at her.

"Ya, I made sure I fixed it and it still worked." She says beeping.

"Ok, as long as it still works it's fine." I say and she sticks out her lighter thumbs up, and I smile.

"So do you wanna go get supper?" I ask Finn then noticing that he's still in his mechanic clothes.

"ya, sure let me just go wash up and put on some fresh clothes ." He says

"Ok,meet you back here in about a half an hour?" I ask.

"Sure, ok, See you then." He says as he walks out the door.

I sigh and walk over to the mirror and notice how sweaty I am, I must've been sweating a lot when I was meditating. I think to myself,
"Hey BB-8, I'm gonna take a shower. Ok?" I say and hear her beep.

I take out fresh clothes, and walk into the bathroom, and start running the water. I take my hair out and get a towel out. I get in the shower and wash my hair then rinsing off my body before getting out, and drying off. I put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, the shirt seems, big on me, bigger than usual. Probably just the clothing. I think to myself and I shrug it off and walk out of the bathroom. BB-8 rolls over to me,
"you almost ready? You have about 5 or ten minuets." She says.

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