Chapter 61

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Poe's POV:

•Time skip 5 months later•
•(2 months before wedding)•

      I get out of bed and get ready for the day. I look at the calendar, it's exactly 2 months before the wedding. Rey's getting stressed, but there's still two months she still has plenty of time. I look at the the clock and see I only have   three minutes to get to the gym. I give Rey a kiss on her forehead and hustle out the door. I run down the hallway, wanting to be late. I told my team that they could just work by themselves, I trained them the best I could. Today I'm working out with Shane, I haven't had a good talk or hang out with him in a long time it'll be good to be able to see him again. I walk in and see him sitting down waiting for me on a Weight bench. I walk over to him and he picks his head up.
      "Hey, man your finally here!" He says.

      "Yeah, sorry I'm late I didn't get up early enough." I say as we bro hug.

      "That's okay your only a minute late." He says

      "So, hows that engages life treatin ya?" He says as we put on our boxing gloves.

      "Oh, it's pretty good. Rey's getting pretty stressed about the wedding though." I say as we step up to our punching bags.

       "I can see where she's coming from, what is there only two months till the wedding?" Shane says taking a punch.

      "Yeah, two months." I say taking a swing at the bag.

      "How much of the wedding have you planned?" He says punching it more.

      "I don't know I picked out some stuff. Not a lot I guess." I say

      "See Rey has to plan out a lot of stuff and put together everything." He says.

      "Oh, I didn't think about that." I say taking a series of punches.

       "So when are we going to get our tuxes." He says

       "Umm I think today. If I'm right, because Rey's going to find a dress." I says doing another round.

       "Okay what time?" He says

       "Just whenever I'll find you when I'm ready." I say

He nods, and we begin our workout staring out with the punching bags for about thirty minutes and then to the weights. I would spot Shane and then he would spot for me, we spent another half and hour on those then moving into the treadmills, competing with one another trying to see who could go faster. I got to eleven and Shane got to nine. We end it with a push up and sit up competition, who can do more. I beat Shane on sit ups but her beat me on push ups.
"Hey good job today man. I'll see you later." He says as we bro hug.

"Yup be ready when I come to get you." I say as I walk off back to my room.

The walk back was different, no one was in the hallway. I walk into the room and Rey is sitting on the couch meditating. I give her a kiss on the cheek and then head for the shower. I get in just rinsing off the sweat, and soaking my hair. After I get out dry off my hair and put new clothes on. When I walk out I see Rey waiting for me while reading a book.
"Did you already eat?" I say going down to sit by her.

"I was going to wait for you but I realized I have to be at the dress place by eleven o'clock. So I couldn't." She says looking at me with a sorry face.

"That's okay, I should probably get done there and grab some food too. Since I have my thing." I say

"Okay, but if I'm not here when you get back I had to go." She says standing up to give me a kiss.

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