12- Hate & First

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" Y/n you want to go out with me?" Jimin asks as he's walking down the stairs.

" Are you sure Jimin aren't you tired?"

" Ya a little bit I want you to stop worrying and go out with me. We haven't got to do anything since we got together." Jimin asks happily.

" Is the pack going to be ok?" I ask concerned.

" Y/n they'll be fine. Let's just go out." He whines.

I look over to Tae he just nodes his head. I feel like Jimin should be resting, not taking me to have fun.

"Well let's do it!" I say excitedly. Deciding if this is what he wants then I'll do it.

Tae went on home. While me and Jimin decided to go watch a romantic movie, (pick something, I don't watch really any romantic movies). Afterwards we got something to eat at (choose a restaurant). When we finished it was already one o'clock. As we were trying to find out what we wanted to do next Jimin said something.

" I have a place I want to show you but I don't know if you will want to." Jimin quietly said.

" Where is it?" I ask happily.

" It's somewhere very dear to my. Most likely not to you though."

" I'm perfectly fine as long as your with me." I look at Jimin, placing a big smile on my face.

" Ok follow me." Jimin takes me to the woods.

He transforms, then letting me get on his back. I've gotten more used to riding on a wolfs back. So I was able to go for about 40 minutes this time. Jimin stops, I guess he noticed my arms getting tired.

He didn't go back to his human form. He just let me down and let me rest for a minute. Then we started back running. I saw something familiar.

" Jimin, Jimin stop running!" He stopped.

When I got up. I went to the familiar sight. I noticed a house, it was small, old, and worn down. It just looked so familia..... My tears started to stream down my face as my knees hit the ground.

" Thi... this is.. my old house." I could hardly talk. I felt Jimin place his hand on my shoulder, I look up to see him looking straight at the house.

"Y/n you need to go in." He says. I don't know what to do I never wanted to be here again.

" I'll be right beside you." He gave me a comforting feeling when he said that.

So I walked slowly toward what's left of the door frame. I look inside to see a trashed house. Looking almost the same as when I left. Soon I hear a noise.

" Who's out there?" A man's voice yells. He comes out of where my parents room use to be. I am terrified at the sight of my Father standing there.

" Oh your here. You look just like your mother, that lying, cheating, backstabber, mother of yours! Why are you even here in the first place?!" He rudely announces.

Jimin barged up to him punching him straight in the face. "DONT YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO Y/N AGAIN YOU B*******!"

" Jimin calm down!" I yell to him, but he's doesn't let up your father is laying on the ground with a bloody nose and two black eyes. I run over to him, grabbing his arm before he can punch again. " Jimin please stop! He may be awful but he is still my father!"

Jimin slowly got off of him and backed away. I stood beside him clutching onto his arm.

" So I see you found someone to protect you. Whatever just get out of my f**** house before I make you leave." My father said angrily.

I pulled on Jimin's shirt. Telling him to come on and leave. I pull once more, a little harder. He turns around, puts his arm on my shoulders and we walk out. We ran off after that. Until we couldn't see the house at all anymore.

" Y/n I'm sorry I knew we would go past here, but I had no idea he would be there." Jimin sounded so upset for making you do that.

" It's ok I actually needed that. I needed to see the shape that price of trash was left in after we left." We look back to each other.

" So you ready to get going it's not that much farther we can walk if you want." Jimin says, and I agree.

We walked for about another ten minutes, until we reached a beautiful place. I can't believe I lived this close to something so beautiful. It was just so peaceful. I loved it.


I see a small waterfall. The way the trees look around it is just so perfect. Jimin takes me closer to the waterfall. When we reached the side I could see a opening.

" Let's go in." Jimin says calmly pulling me to the opening.

I look inside and there is animal fur laying on the ground. As I walk on I'm I turn to see Jimin. Wondering what this place is.

" Jimin what is this place?" I ask

" It's where I lived after we met." Jimin says while looking at me smiling.

" Where did all this animal fur come from?"

" The animals I killed. I didn't have any blankets so I used those. I come here every once and awhile when I just need a place to go to, and I always told myself if I ever saw you again I would bring you here." He sound so happy.

He slowly walks closer to me. Wrapping his arms around my waist.

" I love you y/n." He looks into my eyes and says. I again was caught of surprise but the first thing that came to mind to say was...

" I love you too. So much, you have no idea."

He places his hands softly an my cheeks and kisses me passionately, I kiss him back. All I could think was how much I love him. He wraps his hands back around my waist, as I place mine around his neck deepening the kiss. We slowly lower ourselves into the pile of fur.

( You can use your imagination here I don't want to write this.)

I wake up to Jimin's arms around me. I turn to look at him. He's still sleeping, he looks so cute. When I was about to get up I noticed I had no clothes on. OMG I can't believe I forgot! I can't believe we actually did that!

I notice Jimin open his eyes.

" Hey y/n how did you sleep?" He asks smiling. I can feel my cheeks start to burn, so I quickly cover them with my hands.

" What's wrong y/n are you ok?" He asks worriedly.

" N..no I'm fine...I just don't know what to say." I quickly say. I hear him chuckle. I take my hands off my face. I turn to check my phone to see the time.

" Jimin it's already 10:00!!" I know my parents will be furious with me when I get home.

" Y/n don't worry." Jimin says grabbing his phone.

" Hey Tae. Y/N's with me and she's not going to come home tonight. Can you tell your parents she's at a friend's house or something?......... Thank you, yes I won't do anything bad to her." He hangs up.

" So should we head back to my house?" He laughs and looks at me again.

We both quickly put our cloths back on and head out. Jimin just decided to run straight back to his house. I guess since it's night and no one's going to see us. When we reach his house we go inside.

"So y/n you want to watch t.v. or something?" He asks me.

" I'm just so tired let's just go to sleep." I sighed out.

" Okay."

We head upstairs to his room. I lay on his bed, he lays behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist. Then we both drift off to sleep.

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