24- Father & !!!!

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" Good morning you two! How's the babies?" Jungkook asks. As I'm walking in the dining room.

" Y/n are you alright you look a little pail?" Namjoon asks cutting off my answer to Jungkook.

" Oh well...I'm fine I'm just tired, I'll be alright thought. To answer your question Kookie the babies are sleeping now."

Jimin stands beside me, putting one arm behind my back placing his hand on my waist. Then leans over giving me a quick kiss. I wasn't expecting it, we don't kiss very often in front of everyone.

" Ohhh yeaaaaahhh!" Jungkook yells.

Everyone starts laughing as me and Jimin separates and our faces blood red from Jungkook's comment.

" Who's ready to eat!" Jin yells from the kitchen.

" We are!" We all yell.

" Well come on in here and get it!"

" But momm!" Jungkook yells sadly.

" No buts get on in here!" Jin says firmly.

We all quickly head to the kitchen. Once I got my food and sat back down. I heard something everyone quitted down so I guess they heard it to. I was about to get up until Jimin got up before me.

" What are you doing?" I ask.

" I'm getting Aurora and Leon a bottle. You go on and eat, you're tired, I got this." Jimin says then goes to the kitchen preparing two bottle then heading to the bed room.

Jimin p.o.v

Y/n can take care of the babies by herself, but it is very tiring. I can at least take care of them while she eats. Once I get into the bedroom they're both in their wolf forms howling.

" Shhhhhhhhhh! You two need to be quite." I say calmly. " You two don't transform very often why are you now?" I ask a little surprised as I think.

They've only transform one other time besides now, and that was when they born. So why did they now? Oh well they don't have control over it yet,. They didn't even transform this time during the full moon.

" Come-on calm down and transform. I can't give you your bottles when you're like this."

I picked up Leon and started bouncing him a little. Once he calmed down I sat him back down then did the same to Aurora. When they were both calmed down I picked them up and gave them both their bottles. As I'm looking down I see their adorable little faces looking up at me.

" Hey, daddy's really sorry for not being with you last night. I really hated it, but it was for the good of everyone, trust me." I say cutely to them.

I lean over giving the each a kiss on their foreheads. If anything happens to them I don't know what I'd do. They are to precious and innocent. If anyone dared to lay a finger on them to harm them in anyway then I'll kill them myself.

" I love you both so much more than you know." I smile saying not caring how many times I will eventually say that over and over again. I will say it till they get sick of it, then even some more.

They finally both finished I was going to bring them down so everyone can see them, but their little eyes were getting heavy. So I laid them back down in their cribs. I slowly walked out till I heard them start to wine a little. I come back in.

" What's wrong? I'm not going anywhere."

They continue to wine till I give each of them one of my hands. All ten of their little fingers wrapping around one of mine. They calm down instantly. Each time I try and leave they start wining again. So I stay.

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