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Normani and Dinah had been together for a long time now , and they were ready for kids.

Both of them first met in high school and felt for eachother. Both of them liked eachother, therefore started dating. They were still in the closet and were extremely scared of coming out. After moths of dating  they finally camed out to theirparents, and both sets of them turned out to be extremely accepting. After both of them finished High school and went to college they started to live together and started working.

 Normani proposed her in such  a beautiful way. One day she invited her out to dinner in the beach. When they arrived there it was set up as a beautiful picnic. after dinner she told her that she had a surprise for her and took the ring out. After some months they finally married.

Four years had past since Normani and Dinah had married eachother and they new it was time to have kids. They did not want to have them biologically but instead wanted to foster kids and if any of them clicked with them adopt them. Therefore they were gonna get their foster licence.


Ally, Lauren and Camila lived together with their foster parent. Lauren and Camila were half sisters since Laurens dad and Camilas were different persons. Ally was Camilas cousin from her dad side that came to live with them when him and her mom started dating. After Camila was born he left. Laurens and Camilas mom became abusive and an alcoholic / drug additc. Therefore they were taken out of her guard and put into the system. 

 A/N : Hallo, so I am gonna try to do this. I Hope you like it , if you do coment. Give me suggestions of how you want the story to turn out and yeah. IDK how often im going to post since i have to study aswell (grades above 80) and i also have projects and guitar practice but when i can i will post.

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