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Ally sat in Normani's lap as she waited for Justin to start interviewing her. Justin was preparing the girl's file as she got more and more impatient. Ally felt her hands sweating, and she didn't know why. She knew she was nervous, but didn't know how that was related with her hands sweating.

"Maybe when you're nervous your hands sweat" Ally thought as she looked down at her hands. "But at my old foster home I was always nervous, and my hands didn't sweat." The girl continued thinking as she looked down and Normani hugged her.

"Okay, so Ms Ally,. How are you today" Justin asked.

"Nervous" Ally said quietly.

"It's okay baby" Dinah whispered as she held her foster daughters hand.

"It's okay to be nervous sometimes" Justin said and smiled "I get nervous a lot! You see I like to sing and whenever I'm with my friends and family they ask me to do it. Most of the time I get nervous but overcome this. After I have sang I realise that it's all about having fun"

Ally had listened closely to Justin but didn't understand how she was supposed to "overcome" her fear and remember the pain she had been through.

"But I not want to remember bad things" Ally said more to herself than to Justin to listen to.

"Well Ally I can help you with that. If you tell us what happened there I can help you forget" He said " Can we make a deal"

"You gonna make me forget" Ally said extremely softly, Justin was almost unable to listen.

"Yes love" Justin assured the girl "Is it a deal?"

"What a deal?" Ally asked turning her head.

"A deal is that I help you on something but you also gotta help me, so in the end we help each other mutually." Justin said "In this case I'm gonna help you frget but you gotta cooperate with me"

"Uh" Ally said understanding "Deal"

"Okay great Ally" Justin said " I'm gonna ask you some questions about what happened with Mr Robinson. That's all we going to do today. Okay?"


"Normani, DInah. Before we start I wanted to say that I want to see Ally once a week and Lauren every two weeks, with 45 minutes sessions for each. It's better for them to not take everything out in one session"

"Sure. If it's for their mental health I'll book Ally an appointment on the way out" Dinah said.

"But you promis to make me forget" Ally said quietly and sadly making it almost imposible to listen, but Justin seemed to have a good hearing.

"I will Justin assured "But it's gonna take some time to do it. Cam you be patient? I promise you it'll just take some weeks"

"Yeah, but why"

"Because it's better to take it all out in parts that all at once" Justin explained "It's like when you eat. You dont eat all the food of the day at once. You eat breakfast lunch and dinner, oh and sometimes snacks in between."

"Yes makes sense"

"Okay great! What do you want to talk about today"

"I not know how I feel" The girl told the phsycologist, as she looked down at her lap ashamed. The girl really wanted to know what was making her feel this way. She wanted to be able to overcome it. "Ino know why I remember but I do. I no wanna remember bad things.

There was the "bad things" again. The three adults in the room had heard the frase various times but weren't exactly sure what it meant exactly.

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