Chapter 20

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Meanwhile Normani went to her mother's house Dinah laid in her bed while she put on Netflix and waited for Normani to call her. The Polynesian was worried about how her wife had been so hurt by Ally telling how her old foster parent raped her. She knew it was probably because of how she was thinking about Sophie and how if she was still alive was being raped repeatedly by different sick perverted mind's old grown man. The woman wasn't even paying attention to the television, she was so lost in her thoughts to do so. She probably stayed that way for around thirty minutes until she heard a gentile knock on her bedroom door which pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Come in" She said- yelled softly and Ally opened the door entering with her pillow in hand.

"Hey you're up love. Come here." Dinah said moving a little to the side for Ally to take a seat in the bed.

"Where Mani?" Ally asked quietly at not seeing her other foster mother in the room.

"She went out, she'll probably be back in around an hour or two, why do you ask?"

"Is she mad? Because I say to Justin that. She not love me anymore?" Ally said as some tears felled from her eyes.

"What no, baby. Of course she loves you. She's just having a bad day and went to talk about it with her mother" Dinah told Ally "You know how we always tell Lauren and you how if you girls are feeling sad, to tell us. Well whenever Mani is feeling sad she goes over to her mother's to talk about it with Andre, her mother."

"Oh. I just not want her sad. I wanted to say to her that she not be sad, cause I'm safe and I'm happy. I happy with you and Mani and I don't want her to cry like she did today"

"Well you can tell her when she comes back" Dinah assured the girl "Are you hungry. I could order some pizza and we could watch it here and put a movie on, what do you think?"

"Yeah, but we wake up Lolo and Cami first."

"Sure, why don't you go wake them up while I order the pizza?"

"Yeah" Ally said getting up from her foster mothers bed and running to her and her sisters' bedroom. She first went to Lauren's bed and gently shacked the green-eyed to wake her up

"Mmm" Lauren said turning around "Ally I sleepy" The girl grumbled at her sister trying to wake her up.

"I know lolo" Ally said shaking the girl "But you have to wake up now. Dj ordering pizza and we watching a movie in the big bedroom. With cuddles and all. And when mani come back she cuddle to."

"Ugh okay" Lauren said sitting up in the bed as she stirred her eyes with her small hands. "We have to wake up Cami now." Ally said pulling her sister up to wake up the youngest of the three.

As they went to wake up Camila Dinah entered their room and smiled at the two older sisters in their pijamas.

"Hey Lauren, did Ally wake you up" Dinah chuckled at the green-eyed grumpy and tired face.

"Yeah she did" Lauren said and rolled her eyes, to what her foster mother laughed at.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I think you'll be not so grumpy if I tell you we can watch The Lion King" Dinah said and the girl nodded now happy.

The Polynesian now went and gently wake up the youngest girl, who just giggled and hugged her foster mother. The for female headed to the master bedroom where they laid cuddled up in the king sized bed as Dinah put the Lion king on. When they were fifteen minutes into the movie, the pizza arrived and Dinah headed downstairs to receive it. She tool the pizza and the girls kids plates, with some sippy cups filled with juice for them and headed back upstairs. They ate most of the pizza but left some for Normani, which Dinah went to save in the oven. When the woman was downstairs she received a call from her wife saying she was in her way home.

Dinah returned to the bedroom in which she finished watching the movie with her foster daughters. When the Lion King ended they put the little mermaid in. A few minutes into the movie Normani arrived. The dark-skinned woman entered the house and headed upstairs to her bedroom shared with the Polynesian. She opened the door and found Dinah with her foster daughters watching a movie.

"Hey baby, Come here. We're watching the little mermaid." Dinah told her wife as she got in the bed and kissed her. "How was at your mother's?'

"It was good I guess, I got it all out" Normani told Dinah as Ally approached to her and touched her face.

"You been crying. You sad. Don't be sad about mw not allowed" Ally scolded her foster mother.

"I'm not allowed to be sad or cry, Ally?" Normani asked.

"No. I no like when you sad, I no like when you cry" Ally told her foster mother "I like when you happy and smile. And if I happy and safe with you, no reason for you to be sad for me cause it's better to be happy than sad"

"Oh, I get it." Normani told her foster daughter. "Well I'm not sad anymore so don't you worry. I had a good talk with my mommy and it took all the sadness away. So time to be happy"

"I want to meet your mom" Ally said surely "I thank her for taking the sad away and make you happy again.

"Well we can do that. She wants to meet you too. So maybe next week we can meet her:" Normani told Ally "What do you think?"

"I like the idea."

The family ended the rest of the movie, in which Camila and Lauren felt back asleep, but Ally stayed up until it ended. When it finally end, they took the girls to their room where they tuck them in. Ally said goodbyes to her foster mothers and felled asleep right after. The pair left the girls' bedroom and went down to the kitchen because Normani was hungry. They heated up the leftover pizza for the dark-skinned to eat while she chatted with her wife. While they ate Normani told her wife how at her mom she let it all out and how they talked about Sophie and that it wasn't really that what was bothering her. It was her loved ones getting hurt and them not being able to do anything about it.

The pair talked for a while at the kitchen until they went upstairs to their bedroom and laid in the bed. The pair talked for a while more on various topics. In this Ally's and Laurens' psychological therapy's, and how Ally would probably have to take medication because of the trauma. Also how they had to call the tutor for her to evaluate the girls, and start homeschooling them. With that the pair would be able go back to work normally. They also had to call the gynecologist Justin had told them, to make an appointment for Ally. Dinah also had to take the audio of the girls' at the psychologist to the lawyer in charge of Mr. Robinson case and see when would the trial would be.

The next day they had to take them to the doctor to check on their injuries, and Lauren's leg. They knew how she would probably need to go to physiotherapy for her to regain her leg movement in some weeks, and the pair would need to look for one in those days and get Lauren some sessions per week for it to heal nicely. It was almost as when Dinah and Normani were shot and had to go to the same to recuperate in full. Normani told Dinah that they could take Lauren to the same physiotherapist to take her in, since they already knew him. They also talked about how they hadn't gone to visit Ashton in around a month and it was time to do it and see how he was doing there, and how his studies were doing. He was missing a little more than a year to finish high school and the pair couldn't be more proud of his hard work to do so. The guy worked in jail and also studied, he was doing everything to be taken out the soonest and by the moment the sentences had been reduced a year.

At around eleven thirty at night the couple turned out the lights, knowing they had a really occupied day the day later. After some minutes of cuddling the pair finally felled asleep and went of till the next morning .

A/N- Hey guys . So I'm still at the beach but had this chapter ready .
Right now I have a big ass sunburn in my face but whatever . I think next chapter will be Thursday but I'm not sure
I really hope you're liking this story and tell me what you think about it

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