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    Read A/N in the end
A week had passed since the youngsters were staying with the couple and everything had been a mixed of emotions. Ally , Camila , and Lauren were still overwhelmed of how her new foster mothers were so kind with them. They were even better then Mr. Langford when they first arrived. Notwithstanding Ally Knew that every good thing came to an end, so she didn't want to give them her trust. The two younger ones, in the other hand, were starting to trust Normani and Dinah. After the first night, where the girls had it rough, the two younger girls started realising that the poly and dark skinned women weren't as scary as they look like to be.

   During the first night, Ally had a big nightmare. To this day neither Dinah or Normani know what was the nightmare about but it was awful. Lauren was sleeping in Ally's bed with the older girl ,because she was scared to sleep alone, meanwhile Camila slept in her crib. During midnight Lauren started to feel something pushing her hard therefore she woke up. It was Ally still asleep. The young girls had been steering in her sleep for probably thirty minutes at the moment. Lauren knew Ally was having a bad dream, she always did. The oldest girl always dreamed about Mr Langford, and all the things he did to her and her sisters. Normally the nightmares were not to bad, but since they left the home Ally had had some pretty bad dreams. At the hospital the nurse had to wake Ally up various times because of this. Lauren was really tired so she went back to her own bd try and find her sleep back, when she heard Ally talking in her sleep.

"Please no" The girl said moving and sweating in her bed. " I be good. I promise. No hit" the girl had gotten quiet for a few seconds when she started screaming again.

Lauren went back to the older girl's bed to try and wake her up.

"Pss Ally. wakey Ally. You 'ad dream. We 'afe."

But the girl did not wake up. Lauren was getting worried, she wanted her sister to wake up. Later she remember what her foster mothers told her right before they went to sleep. The couple had told them that if they needed them, their room was right across the hallway. They also told them that it did not matter if they were asleep or not. Lauren was really anxious of going to wake them up, remembering what happened when they woke up their old foster father.  But she was also really worried for her sister, and knew it was better for herself to get beat up than for Ally to still be in that bad dream. The girl quietly got up and went up to the door and opened it trying as hard to not wake up Camila. She went through the hall to what she remembered was her fostermothers room. The door was sligtly opened but the lights were off, meaning Dinah and Normani were asleep. Lauren was obviously in an extreme amount of nerves of being there, which made her start silently crying. She went up to the bed, to Normani's side and started to gently shake her.

"Ms Mani" The green eyed kid said with a broken voice.

Normani opened her eyes and as she saw Lauren she sat on the bed making Dinah wake up slowly.

"Whats wrong sweets" Normani said to the younger girl in the room as Dinah sat beside her in the bed.

"I sorry for wakey you. Ally has bad dream. She dont wake up." Lauren said crying " Please no hit."

"Aww honey its okay" Dinah said " I'll go help Ally. You stay here with Normani."

Dinah went up to the girls room meanwhile Normani got in charge of calming Lauren down.

"Sweets seat down here with me" Normani said. And Lauren did as told to, still crying "Don't cry love. You did the right thing. I'm so proud of you." Normani said playing with the girls head.

"Broke Ally's rule" Lauren said sniffling "no wakey you. I sorry" The girl started crying again.

"Come here love" normani said opening her arms which Lauren hugged, and placed her head in her chest "breath with my heart beat." Lauren said and soon after Lauren calmed down and felt asleep in Normani's arms. Meanwhile that happened Dinah went to check on Ally, who was still asleep and in her bad dream. The short girl was sweating and crying, therefore Dinah knew the best would be to wake her up.

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