1 - The Call

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Normani woke up to the feeling of her wife leaving the bed. She imediatly sat up and lazily looked at her beautiful wife.

"Where are you going, baby" Normani asked as she was starting to adapt to the light.

"I was going to go shower and make breakfast for my beautiful wife" Dinah said as she walked toward the dark skinned woman.

She Grabbed her wife by the neck and kissed her.

"Awww, thats sweet baby thanks. I love you "

" I love you two" the blonde told the dark haired woman. " So, whats your plan for the day"

" I have to go to the office and revise some cases for next week and I have a meeting with one of my clients and then I'm free. perks of being the boss"

It is true. Normani is owner of the famous lawyer buffet. Her father created it and when he became to old to continue he gaved it up to Normani , who is a lawyer aswell.

"My shechdule is clear today" the blond said " Oh, we have the meeting to finalise our foster license "

" At what time is it? "

" It's at 3pm"

"Okay, cool ."

Both of them shared a shower , Normani got ready and both of them went downstairs and ate their breakfast together. Normani left for work and Dinah stayed at home organizing their house.

After a 10 minute drive Normani arrived to the buffet building and got out of her Auidi. She went inside and head over to her office , where she was met with her secretary.

"Good morning Mrs Hamilton".

" 'Morning Bea. What do I have for today?"

"You only have a meeting with one of your clients at 10:00 am for next weeks judgment."

"Okay, thanks. Can you bring me coffee please"

"Shure , Mrs Hamilton. If you excuse me , be right back".

Normani sat in her desk and started to check over the cases she had for next week. They werent that serious, most of them were just laboral cases. After having her coffee and checking her stuff , her clients arrived and he had her meeting. The meeting was finally over , therefore she went back home.

She arrived to her house at 11:30 am . As Normani entered her house she got the smell of food her beautiful wife was making. Walking quietly towards the kitchen, Normani hugged her wife from behind and felt as Dinah gave a samll jump to then realise who it was. Dinah turned arround and placed a kiss on Normani's lips.

"Hi, baby"

"Hi, how was work?"

"It was okay, What you doing for lunch?"

"Pasta. Help me put the table please."


After both of them ate the delicious lunch Dinah had prepared they left their house and went to the meeting they had with the social worker to make their foster license official.

Both of them got of Normani's car and went together to the social workers office.

They entered and waited in the waiting room calmly.

"Mrs Hamilton, and Mrs Hamilton Hansen Ms. Grande is waiting for you ."

Normani and Dinah walked to Mrs Grande's office, ready to get their license. Dinah felt ready , excited but nervous. She was gonna finally be able to take care of someone. A little kid or a teenager who needs love and care. She could give them a motherly love. This was what she lived for. Normani felt the same way . She lived to take care of her wife and could not wait to take care of kids who need it.

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