Chapter 24

744 24 1

Marathon 2/7

A few days had gone by, since the doctors appointment. Lauren had now gotten used to walking in her boot and was getting less bothered by it. She also had already gone to her first physiotherapy session and liked her therapiest a lot. During the past week Normani had talked with who would be Ally, Camila and Lauren's tutor for the first semeste of the year. They had decided to start Monday of the next week. Therefore the Polynesian and the dark-skinned talked to the girls about it. They had to explain to the girls that once they started with their tutor the pair, wouldn't be at home with them, and they would stay with their tutor until the afternoon. The girls understood, even though they were a bit hesitant about it.

Finally the day had arrived, and it was now Monday, the day were the girls would start their tutoring. In the morning, Normani and Dinah were up at six am and going to wake their foster daughters. The youngsters were woken up at six thirty am, where Dinah headed with them to bath them and get them ready. Meanwhile that happened Normani went and made breakfast for the family. She decided to make some avocado toast with fried eggs for them.

In the youngsters bathroom, Dinah bathed them all together as she explained to them what they would do with the tutor. She told them how she would teach them about colors, words, reading, writting, numbers, and more. The girls were exicted to learn since in there old home only Ally went to preschool every once in a while. Ally would be allowed to go maybe twice a week, therefore her learning was affected. But that didn't mean that when she arrived to their foster home, she wouldn't teach the girls a little of what she had learned. The girls had learned the colors, and numbers from one to one hundred with Ally's help. She had also teached Lauren how to write them, and how to write the alphabet.

"DJ. I know colors" Ally told her foster mother proudly "In last home, I teach Lolo and Cami. They learn colors, numbers and al'habet with me".

"Wow that's great baby. Did you go to preschool in your last home, love"

"Mr. Robinson take me sometimes." Ally said "I wanted to go every day but he not let. But I promise I try to learn fast when I went".

"I know you did. But guess what. Now you get to learn from monday through friday. But instead of going to school the teacher will come here, and next school year you get to go to normal school love." Dinah told her daughter.

"Really. I want to go to old school. Miss my friend." Ally told her foster mother, remembering her only friend at her old school, Bella. Her and Bella's friendship went back to before Mr. Robinson became abusive. When he did Bella was the only one outside the house hold who knew about it. Ally had made Bella pinky swear that she would NOT tell anyone, not even her parents about what happened. She even told her about the abuse, and the girl tried to help her the most she could. When Ally missed various days of school and then went back, Bella would stay during recess with her and help her with the stuff she missed.

"I can talk with Ariana and we can maybe go visit one of these days." Dinah told her foster daughter "How do you think about that."

"Yes please, I be good." Ally pleaded.

"You're always good love. I'll talk to Ariana when she comes next week to check on you girls"

"Thank you DJ"

Dinah then went and took the girls to the bedroom where she dressed them all with a blue skirt and white blouse, with a navy blue formal sweater. They wore white lace socks up to their knees She then brushed the girls hair and left it down, just tying a blue lace in it. The girls looked extremely cute in their outfits and were ready for their tutor to come.

The Polynesian took Ally, Camila and Lauren downstairs to the kitchen table, where Normani served the family's breakfast. The girls sat in their seats at the table, as Dinah went to help her wife's.

"Loves, do you want milk or orange juice?" Normani asked her three foster daughter from the kitchen.

"Orange juice, please" Ally and Lauren said at the same time.

" 'ilk pwease" Camila said.

"Okay loves"

Dinah filed Ally's and Lauren's sippy cups with orange juice, as she warmed up a milk bottle for Camila. Once ready she took them up to the table, as Dinah took the remaining plates to the table. The family sat in the table, as they watched Camila clap happily at seeing the avocado cutted in slices in her plate.

"A'o'a'o!" Camila squealed at her foster mothers.

"Yeah, Mila." Normani chuckled "I made you girls toasts with avocado and fried eggs. Eat up, it delicious and healthy for you three".

The three girls ate their breakfast happily, as it tasted extremely good. During the time at the table Normani complemented the girls on how nice their matching outfits looked on them, and how beautiful they looked. The girls thanked her, and Ally explained to her how she wanted for their tutor to arrive for them to start learning immediatly. Normani laughed at it and told he the tutor would arrive soon.

Already finished the breakfast the girls headed up two the playroom, where they played with the dolls meanwhile waited for the tutor to arrive. Normani and Dinah cleaned the table and placed the dishes in the washer, as they left everything ready for the young ones. They pulled out the pencils they were asked to buy, with the child notebooks and interactive books. They leaft them organised in each of the girls seat.

After a few minutes of doing that their was a knock on their door, which meant the designated tutor had arrived. Normani headed up to the door and opened it to greet the woman.

"Hello, is this the Kordei Halminton home?" The women asked.

"Yes it is. You must be Ms Koshy, If I am correct?" Normani asked the brown skinned woman standing at her door.

"I am." She awnsered "A pleasure, Ms-"

"Normani. Come in. Dinah is with the girls, they're thrilled to meet you"

"Thank you"

Liza and Normani went inside to the living room where the dark-skinned called her foster daughters, which immediatly came into the room.

"Girls this is Ms Koshy, your tutor. Go ahead and say hi and tell her your names" Normani incouraged her foster daughters.

"Hi" The three girls said in unison.

"Hi, loves. I'm Ms Koshy, but you can call me Liza. I hate the 'Ms' it makes me feel older" The woman chuckled "What are your names pretty girls."

" Ca'ila!" The youngest squealed happily.



"Well what beautiful names for such beautiful girls" Liza complemented the girls who blushed at her "So, I've been told you're really been waiting for me to come and teach you girls stuff. Am I right?"

"Yes" The three said in unison as they nodded.

"Well that can't wait right" The girls nodded "Well lets go to it." Liza said and looked at the other two women in the room.

"Right this way" Normani said and headed Liza and the girls to the kitchen table, where everything had been setted in.

Once arrived, all of them took a seat at the table as Liza took out some papers from her bag.

"Okay, so for what I have been informed. Ally attended preschool but in her records it seemed as she had very missing days, or arrived days. She was attending prep in her old foster home, but with the evaluation done she's behind in the learning program". The woman explained "Therefore we got to work on that. Also next year, Lauren will have the age to enter kindergarden, she's most likely to be entering pre-k. As for Camila, she can probably start pre-k in August 2019."

"Okay. But how can we work on for Lauren and Ally to next school year enter the class they're supposed to be in by age"

"I have the pre-k and prep program here . And the tutoring will work as in for normal school. I'll teach Ally everything in the prep program and Lauren everything in the pre-k program. I'm sure they will be able to advance quickly, since it seems as Ally is a fast learner."

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