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The next Day Normani and Dinah had woken up a little before 4am . The women took separate showers and got ready. It was around 4:25 am when rhythmic went to wake up their foster daughters. They first woke up Ally and Lauren and told them that they needed to go get them ready. Dinah took them to the master bedroom's bathroom, in which Ally took a shower and Lauren got a bath. Meanwhile that Normani woke up little Camila which wasn't to happy about that.

"Shsh" Normani told the crying toddler "baby we need to go bath you. You know why? Remember we are going to Disney land."

With that the small girl remember the fun day their foster mothers had planned for them and stopped crying. Normani went and got Camila bathed meanwhile Ally and Lauren got dressed and ready. At 4:45am the family was completely ready to go therefore they heated up Camila's bottle, as well as for the girls sippy cups and snacks for the ride. Normani had also made sandwiches for the girls for when they woke up in the ride.

After buckling the girls in their sky's the family of 5 headed together to LA where they would spend their day. Normani has also packed another set of clothes and pijamas for them , since they would be staying at a hotel for the night.  The girls woke up at around 8am menawhile they were still in the ride. They ate in the car and sang disney songs as the fam arrived to the park.

The family arrived at 9 am to the park where they placed Camila and Lauren on the stroller and entered the park. After been given their special tickets which meant that the family would not have to make lines for anything they headed to their fun adventure. During the frist few hours they went on most of the rides, taking care in which they would not harm Lauren's leg. At 12pm the family headed to one of the Dinsey themed restaurants where they had a delicious lunch together to later continue having fun at the park. The girls took some amazing pictures with most of the Disney characters, which was making the youngsters as happy as ever. It was the first time Normani and Dinah saw the girls, mostly Ally, being so extroverted. Normally the older girl would hesitate a lot in which to what to do and not to, trying to not make anyone upset for her accions and getting punished. But at the moment she was acting as a completely different person, she was actually acting like a 5 year old child.

The rest of the afternoon the family went around to the Disney shows where they had a lot of fun, by around 7pm the family had dinner to later go to the hotel room where they would spend the night. as they arrived the girls were already extremely tired so the got them changed to their pijamas and in a minute felled asleep. The older women stayed awaken for a aroud 2 more hours and at 11pm they also drifted to sleep.

The next morning the family was already awake at around 6:30am. This was because Ms Camila had already woken up and was hungry. She slowly but surely got down of the bed, in which she was sleeping with her sisters, and went up to her fosters mothers' bed. Going towards Dinahs side of the bed, the young morena arrived and gently tried to shake Dinah awake. Notwithstanding she was not able to do it, therefore decided to give a gentle hit to her foster mother. With that gentle hit Camila gave her in her arm, Dinah woke up with a groan.

"What happened" Dinah groaned, to later hear Camila giggling at her actions to avoid getting up. Dinah hearing the small girl, sat up in the bed and carried the young girl, sitting her infront of her. "What's wrong Walz" Dinah asked. Camila giggled at her new nickname, and rubbed her belly indicating she was hungry.

"Oh, you're hungry?" Camila nodded to Dinah's question. "Well right now Mani and your sisters are asleep. But I can make you some milk. What do you say. and then we can go downstairs and get some breakfast"

"Yes milk" The youngest said to her foster mother.

"Milk it is" Dinah chuckled, getting up of the bed she was sleeping on with her wife placing Camila in her hip to go and make her a bottle. After heating up the bottle for the girl and giving her it, the Poly layed up in the bed wi5th her foster daughter in her chest. By doing that, they woke up Normani who started to slowly stirr in her sleep, to later wake up. The darkskinned woman who was facing the opposite side of her wife, turned around to see the lovely scene of her wife with her foster daughter in pijamas cuddling together.

"Who said you could have a cuddle session without me" Normani said with a raspy voice as she smiled at her wife.

"Ms Camila here, was hungry so I had to make her a bottle." Dinah said getting up and givinga kiss to her wife. Before they could have deepen the kiss a Happy Camila squished her small hands in the women cheeks making them chuckle.

"You like kisses Mila." Normani said giving Camila funny kisses all around her face making her chuckle. The young girl was a literal bundle of joy, their bundle of joy.

Lauren hearing the movement and happy sound, as the girl called it, made her slowly wake up. The young girl started to move to later sit up in the bed and stir her eyes awaken.

"You're up little missy." Dinah said smiling at Lauren.

"Yep. I hungry. We get food?" The girl asked,

"Of course love, why don't you wake Ally up and we all head downstairs for breakfast." Normani said and the girl nodded.

After Lauren waking her older sister, the family head downstairs for breakfast. The breakfast was as such as in every other hotel. Waffles, Cereal, and a buffet. Dinah made a waffle for her daughters to share, splitting a fourth of it for Camila. Camila's part without syrup nor toppings just a small portion of a banana, and Allys and Lauren's with maple syrup, whipped cream and fruit . Dinah and Normani served themselves some fruit and coffee and had a calm breakfast together.

When the family ended their breakfast they went back to the hotel room where they showered and got ready to leave back to San Francisco. The older woman dressed her foster daughters as Dinah packed everything up. She dressed Lauren up with a dress and a sweater, because even thought it was kind of chilly the girl had a broken leg and couldn't wear jeans. The other girls were dressed with a pair of jeans and a hoodie. As soon as they finished, Dinah carried the bags and Normani the younger girls, as they all headed to the parking lot and car. The family entered in the car and buckled the girls, gave them blankets and started driving. They had more then five hours to drive, and the women knew the girls would probably get hungry at around 1 or 2pm.

At around 2pm Lauren said the words "I hungry, we get food, pwease". They had to stop at the Mcdonald's beside the highway, and ate lunch there. After lunch they continued their trip and finally arrived a little before 5pm. The two younger girls were exhausted by the time the family arrived an imediatly felled alseep in there beds. Ally on the other hand was not tired and helped her foster mother change her sisters, to later go watch a movie with them. They oredered a pizza and once it arrived the family put on Cinderella, Ally's favorite disney movie, and watched it while eating.

They watched various movies till around 9pm where Ally had already drank her milk from her sippy cup, and slowly started to drift to sleep, even though she fought it. The young girl was having a good time watching movies and not worrying about doing something wrong. She really didn't want it to end. At the moment they were watching "Beauty and the Beast" cuddled up in the couch with some blankets. Halfway through the movie the young girl stopped fighting it and finally felled asleep. After a few minutes she started snoring quietly which made Normani realiuse that she had fallen asleep.

"Dinah" Normani whispered " She felled asleep. I'm gonna go take her upstairs to bed" Normani told her wife as she slowly took the girl in her arms, trying not to wake her up , and took her to bed. Since Ally was already in pijamas she just layed her in bed uo covered her in her blankets. Normani sat in her foster daughters bed looking at her daughter, feeling overwhelmed thinking on how everything on Ally's mind was getting better. But that was just what Normani thought.

A/N: Hey guys . So I was able to finish this chapter by today and upload it for you. I'm gonna try to update various chapters a week to make it up for the time I didn't update. So yeah
It's almost New Years so Happy New Years ❤️

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