8-Almost home Baby Girls

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The next morning Dinah was the first to wake up. It was only 5:30 am, but couldn't get herself back to sleep. The enthusiasm of meeting Ally that day was killing her, therefore she decided to go get some breakfast while she allowed her wife to sleep some more.
Dinah made her way down stairs and turned on the lights. She made herself coffee , and decided to make her wife breakfast as well , and bring it to bed. She made them eggs with toasts and bacon. After finishing it, she placed it on a tray and made her way back into her bedroom. Arriving there she left the tray in her side of the bed and reached into Normani. Dinah started carrising her wife's hair and arms , while slowly kissing her lips , face and neck. Normani slowly started to stirr, but moved away and placed her blanket above her head. Dinah left a quiet giggle and took the blankets away from her wife hugging her into her side. Normani slowly opened her eyes , finally awaken , and smiled at the site of her gorgeous wife.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" Dinah said kissing the dark skin woman. "How did you sleep"
"Good morning baby , I slept fine. Until you woke me up" Normani said , pouting.
"Oh, really . Well I woke you up cause i don't want your breakfast to cool down." Dina told her wife, pointing to the tray that contained their food.
"You brought me breakfast?!" Normani said while pulling her wife to a kiss.
"I did" Dinah answered smiling to the kiss.
P"Thanks baby. I love you"
"I love you too" Dinah told her amazing wife " Now lets eat."
Both of the woman started to eat their breakfast with joy, and soon after Normani turned Friends on.
After finishing eating , Dinah and Normani , watched Friends till 7:30 , when they decided it was time to get ready.
Dinah was the first to shower , meanwhile Normani cleaned their room. After Dinah got out of the shower , Normani went in. About and hour later both of the woman were dressed and ready to meet their new other foster daughter.
They got into Normani's car and drove into the hospital , where Ariana was already. The wives arrived there around eight thirty , meaning the girls were waking up. They parked the car and walked into the hospital's lobby. At the lobby Ariana was sitting in one of the chairs. Dinah saw her , and with Normani , walked up to her.
"Dinah, Normani. How have you two been ?" Ariana asked
"We've been great , but anxious to meet Ally. You?" Normani told the social worker.
"I've been great , thanks" Ariana said "The girls just woke up. So you can come with me and meet Ally"
They walked up to the hospital room but stopped in the door.
"Before you go in, I have to warn you that Ally gets really nervous when meeting new people."
"Now let's get in"
The three woman went in and saw the beautiful site of the three small girls playing with their nurse. Lauren raised her head and saw Ariana , Dinah and Normani."
"Awy , DJ Mani!!!" She said excitedly
"Mani" Camila said raising her arms as to be held by her.
"Ari, who they?" Ally asked nervously.
"Ally , these are Dinah and Normani" she said pointing to the woman. "They came by yesterday and met Lolo and Mila. But since you were getting checked yesterday they came back to meet you."
"They nice ?" Ally asked
"Of course. You're sister really like them . Why don't you say hi to them"
"Hi, Dinah, and No'mani"
"Hi little one" Normani said approaching to the older girl, slowly , and sitting on the edge of the bed.
Dinah went and started playing dolls with Lauren , trying not to give her physical contact, knowing the small girl would probably have a panic attack if she did. Meanwhile Camila went and sat on Normani's lap and started playing with her doll.
"A''y 'lay"
"Sure Mila" Ally said grabbing her doll and starting to play with the youngest one.
After a while of playing Ariana thought it was time to announce that Dinah and Normani were there new foster parents.
"Girls I need to tell you something" Ariana told the small girls " You like Dinah and Normani?"
The three girls nodded.
"Well I'm glad you do , because you girls are gonna go live with them . And they're gonna be your new foster parents."
Camila was oblivious of what that meant she only knew it mentioned something of Mani and Dj . Lauren heard the words Foster parents and got scared , as well as Ally . Tears started falling out of their eyes , which showed fear. Their last foster parents were abussive and they didn't want that to happen again.
"Babies don't worry , they're not like you old foster parents . They're nice . You've met them" Ariana Reassured the girls " They have more toys for you to play with."
" 'ice" Lauren asked.
"Yeah they're nice."
After that Dinah and Normani left leaving the girls alone .
"Lauren , you know the rules ." Ally told her " We need to be careful . So don't touch anything . If Camila does you or I have to recieve the blame . Don't trust them"
Lauren heard the last words and felt sad. She wanted to trust them . She wanted to trust someone , someone who would care for them.
"Yeah" Lauren said
After that the girls went back to playing until Ariana was back in the room ...

A/N sorry for updating late and giving you guys only a short chapter , but I've been with sm school work . Next week it's my exams week so I'll probably won't update . And also next Friday I have a guitar presentation , so I also have to practice .
Well I hope you guys enjoyed

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