Chapter 27

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The family had arrived home to check on Lauren's leg, therefore Normani sat her down in the living room and took the boot of. When she did that, they found out how the leg had swellened during the time they had her sitting in the grass. 

"Dinah, look. It's swollen" Normani told her wife, worried for her foster's child injured knee.

"Yes I see it. I think we'll have to take her to the ER." Dinah told her wife, as she looked over at Lauren and carrased her hair.

"It hurts" Lauren sobbed.

"I know it does, but I'm going to take you to a doctor, okay love."

"Make it stop hurting" Lauren cried.

"I will, I promise it will stop hurting" Normani assured her daughter.

"Dinah, you stay here and check on the girls." Normani told her wife "I'm going to take her to the ER"

"Okay. Call me when you know something."

"I will." Normani then glanced at her green-eyed foster daughter as she went out to carry her. "Let's go Laur"

"Okay" The light-skinned latina sniffled as her mother carried her over to the car, and arriving there buckled her up on her seat.

"I'm going to go get my purse so we can leave, ok love"

Normani went up inside and grabbed her purse, putting her phone, and wallet inside it. She then went over to the living room, where they had the girls files and papers in their bookshelve, and took Lauren's files and papers. After putting them in her big purse, she walked out of the house, towards the garage, and got in her car. 

"Let's go love, I promise that the doctor is going to make it hurt less" Normani assured Lauren as she started the car and left their propety.

"Yes please" Lauren sniffled.

"Is it still hurting bad, love?" Normani asked.


"I'm sorry love. We'll be at the hospital in a few minutes." Normani told her foster daughter as she drove out of their neighborhood.


Normani continued driving through some blocks until she got in the highway. Surprisingly there wasn't much traffic in it, which calmed the woman down. After around ten minutes in it she got out and drove for another five until she had arrived at the hospital. She drove over to the nearest parking area from the ER. After parking the car, she got out of it and went over to unbuckle her foster daughter from her seat. Once that down she took Lauren in her arms, adn walked her to the ER entrance. A few steps inside a nurse went towards them fastly.

"Good afternoon, what's your emergency?" The young woman asked formally, as she looked at Lauren crying.

"She had a recuperating knee injury, and today hurt it again." Normani told the nurse as shr carrased the green-eyed's back lightly.

"Okay, I'll get you a doctor immediatly." The nurse told Normani and went over for a few seconds to later come back to where Normani had sat down with Lauren in her arms.

"Come with me, the doctor will attend her in a moment." The nurse told Normani, as she got up from the seat, and walked over behind her. 

They gave Lauren a bed, in which she layed down as the pair waited for the doctor to come in. Before the nurse left the room, she gave Normani a paper to fill in as they waited for the doctor.


Patient Name: Lauren Jauregui 

Date of birth:  June 27, 2014

Possible Allergies: None

Cause of injury:  Recuperating knee fractur, severe pain caused by running. 

Current state of child: Foster care.

Anterior injuries: Fractured knee.

Signature Parent - Guardian: Normani Kordei.

Normani filled the paper up while, with her free hand, she carrassed her foster daughter's back. Lauren had stopped sobbing and had only some silent tears running down her face. Withing a short period of time after Normani had finished filling the paper, the doctor entered the hospital room. 

"Good afternoon. I'm doctor Rodriguez I've been inbformed of a knee injury" The doctor said as he entered the room and shacked Normani's hand.

"Good afternoon, Doctor" Normani said back "Yes, she hurt her knee today running."

"Okay. Did you fill the file" 

"Yes, here is it" Normani said as she handed Doctor Rodriguez the file she had filled up minutes before.

"Okay, thanks" The man in the room said as he took a look in the file "Here it says she had a fractured knee, how was it healing?"

"It had been healing okay. She had her cast taken of last week, and had only been wearing the boot and going to therapy."

"Okay so, how did she injure it today?"

"She ran really had and injure it. Within minutes it had swellen."

"Okay so, I'm going to get a nurse to take her to my consultory and I'll check her deeply there."


Doctor Rodriguez headed out of the room, and after some seconds the nurse who had attended them before came back in the room with a wheel chair.

"Exuse me. You can place Lauren in the wheelchair and I'll take you over to Doctor Rodriguez consultory." The nurse said as Normani placed Lauren in the wheel chair to then follow her up to the consultory. 

During the way up, they passed in an elevator and then walked for around a minute until they arrived to a consultory where a secretary was sitting in a desk at the waiting room.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Rodriguez is waiting for you."

"Thank you"

The nurse then knocked on the consultory's door and after hearing a 'come in' from Doctor Rodriguez they went inside. Normani pulled Lauren in the wheel chair inside and left her by the entrance as she waited for the doctor's insturction.

"Thank you Ms Vals. You can go now" Doctor Rodriguez said to the nurse who had attended them.

"Exuse me" The young nurse said as she opened the door and went out of the consultory room they were in.

Once the nurse closed the door as she left Doctor Rodriguez talked to Normani "Can you carry her to the table?" He asked her and Normani did "Okay, I'm going to practice some movement on her, and then perform a radiography" Normani nodded and before the doctor could go up to Lauren, the green-eyed interviened.

"No, please it hurt" The girl meaning to stop the doctor of touching her injured knee.

"I know it does, but in order to take the pain away I need to check on it to see what you have." Doctor Rodriguez explained.

"Okay, but careful" The girl said and the man chuckled.

"I will, promise"

"Pinky promise?" The girl asked as she lifted her 'pinky' finger.

"Pinky promise." The man chuckled and held his pinky up, for it to touch the green-eyed's pinky finger.

A/N- So writting so much in so short time is hard but im going through lol. Hope you liked it.

Love, A

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