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That night, where Normani thought everything was okay, it appeared to be things were not okay. At around three in the morning when Ally woke up sweating and crying. She wasn't physically sick, but emotionally she was extremelly sick. The youngster was having the worse panick attack she had had in her life. The girl had a nightmare in which she remembered everything her old foster father, the one who was supposed to take care of her and her sisters, had done to her.  She didn't  understand why she had to remember all the bad things that happened at her old home, if she was safe now. Or that is what she wanted to think. Who knew if at the end of day Normani and Dinah were actually like her old foster father. Even though they had never shown to be mean people, like her old foster father did before he became abusive. They always had been nice to her, showing her safety, but all could just change.

Ally had her mind going everywhere in just a short time for which she started having flashbacks and panicking of it. The girl started to have a hard time breathing and felt her stomach turning. Around a minute later the Ally threw up.  The sound of the girl throwing up her sister who got scared and got up from her bed in look for her foster mothers. Lauren crawled her way to Normani and Dinah's bedroom and entered going to Normani and waked her up.

"Mani. Mani. Wake up". Lauren said crying, as she was scared for her sister. "Ally sick. She crying she hurt."

Normani woke up at the girl shacking her and all she could think of was Ally.

"Ally?" She asked , to what the green eyed girl nodded .

Normani woke up her wife and told her that something was wrong with Ally. The Wives got up and went to the girls' room where Dinah took Camila and Lauren to her room, since there was barf in the room for them not to get sick. Normani went up to the girl and as soon as Ally saw her she wanted her to confort her but couldn't. Normani would get mad if she covered her in barf.

"Baby come here. Lay in the floor and give me your hand." Ally gave her foster mom her hand, which Normani took to her chest (heart area) "I want you to breath with my heart beat . Like this. Normani showed her and the girl started to imitate her."

Around 15 minutes later Ally was able to calm down completely, which made Normani feel better. She changed the girl and took her to the master bedroom where Dinah was  laying with her other two foster daughters were resting against her.

"You okay bud Dinah asked giving the girl space for her to lay down" . Ally only nodded.

"I'm gonna go take the sheets to the washer. Be right back " Normani said leaving the room, to go grab the girls blankets and take them to get cleaned.

"Mani" Ally said which made Normani turn and look at the girl "I sorry for vomiting"

Normani turned back to the girl and told her something she would never forget:

"Baby I know youre hurting, but I need you to understand one thing." Normani said looking at the girl "You're old foster father did some pretty bad things to you, and it's hard to forget it. Therefore DON'T. Listen to me. DON'T you ever feel like it's your fault for how your body reacts to the memories of it, because it's not. It's not now nor will it ever be. But I need to ask you something." Normani said as Ally looked at her with teary eyes "If you're ever hurting I want you to tell DJ or me about it. Can you do that for us?" Ally nodded "Thank you baby."

"Why don't you try to get some sleep love" Dinah said "Normani and I will be right here when you wake up"

Normani went and place the bed sheets in the washer and went back to her bedroom where she found Ally and Dinah already asleep, with the two younger babies. Normani layed in bed where she grabbed Camila and placed her on her chest. Even though the whole family was asleep Normani couldn't do it aswell, she was extremely worried for Ally having another panick attack.

You're Safe (5H kidfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon