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            The next morning Normani woke up at the felling of her wife kissing her cheek and giving her light caresses in her back. She smiled it at the feeling and got up. It was around eight in the morning, therefore the pair went to see if the girls were already awake. When they entered their bedroom they found the scene of the two older girls waking up , meanwhile Camila was already awake. And giggling while standing up in her crib. Dinah took Camila in her arms out of the crib as Normani carried Lauren and took Ally's hand as they all headed downstairs.

Already downstairs the pair sat the girls in the table and ate cereal for breakfast. Even though Normani was feeling better, she wasn't in the mood to cook, and Dinah cooking will end up poisoning the girls. After eating the dark-skinned and the Polynesian took their foster daughters upstairs to get them ready. Normani bathed- showered the three girls meanwhile Dinah got ready . When Dinah was ready she dressed and got her foster daughters ready as her wife got herself ready. Once ready they took out of their house.

The route to the hospital where the girls got checked was really calmed. As the day before, Normani and Dinah turned some Disney soundtrack on and the girls sang to it during the route. The hospital was around twenty minutes away from their house and shortly after leaving the house they stopped at starbucks to get the adults a drink and the girls a snack. The family ate the snack in the car and drove up to Normani's office. The dark-skinned had to prepare some things of one of her cases. They entered the building and went up to her office were the girls draw, as Normani worked and Dinah helped her. Normani had finished at around eleven am and the appointment was at twelve thirty so they stayed a while longer until it was time to leave.
They arrived to the hospital at around twelve ten and stayed in the doctors waiting room. The doctor they were going was an specialist on bone fractures but had also studied pediatrics and nutrition. For that reason he would check on the three girls and make them meal plans for their weight gain.

At twelve thirty sharp the doctor opened the office door to greet the family in. Normani and Dinah immediatly got up of their seats to shake his hand as he went up towards them.

"Hello, you must be Dinah and Normani. A pleasure, I'm Dr. Styles." The doctor said as he shook both of their hands.

Normani and Dinah greeted him and took themselves and the girls inside the consulting room. The pair sat down in the chairs in front of  Doctor Styles' desk, with Camila and Ally in their lap. Lauren sat in her wheelchair beside them. Once the family was settled in, Doctor Styles sat in his big chair, facing the other people in the room. 

"Hello, girls, I'm Doctor Styles but you can call me Harry." Harry said smilling at girls, meanwhile Camila giggled at him "What are your names?"

"I'm Ally, that Lauren, and that Camila"

"A pleasure to meet you girls" Harry told them as, he smilled at Camila who giggled happily at him "So I have been informed that you girls to be checked up, is that right?"

"It is." Normani said.

"We need you to check on Lauren's leg, and also we want to check on their weight, and meals plans for the three to gain weight." Dinah explained.

"Sure, we can do that. We can first check on Lauren, take her cast of, and weight her." He told the pair "I just need you to change the grils into those three robes over there, theres a dressing room in the door beside my desk. After changing them we can get started."

Dinah took the girls in to change, while Normani stayed with Doctor Styles, as he asked her some questions. The questions were based of : How have the girls meal been based of since they have been with you? Have their meals increased in amount since their arrival? Have you noticed weight gain? Doctor Styles needed this information to be able to make a well stained evaluation of the girls. 

After around five minutes Dinah and the girls already changed entered the room. Ally seemed to have a grumpy face, but that just meant she was nervous. In the changing room Ally had told her foster mother that she didn't want to be without underwear. It was understandable that she wanted to be with underwear infront of the doctor, since she's never without them infront of her foster mothers. For that reason Dinah allowed the girl to wear the cloth attire.

"You can sit  Lauren in the bed, it already has the paper on." 

Dinah sat Lauren in it, as Ally sat with Camila in Normani's lap. The man in the room took some utensils to the small table beside the bed. Once he was ready he turned to Ally and smilled at her.

"So Ms Lauren, I'm gonna check on your hurt leg." He said looking at the green eyed, and then turning towards Dinah and Normani "I  think we can remove the cast today, and put a boot instead. She'll have to go to physiotherapy here to regain the movement in her leg"

"Sure" Both of them, Normani and Dinah, said at the same time looking at Mr Styles as he checked on Lauren's leg.

"Lauren's leg is ready to remove the cast, so we can start with that." He said looking at the older pair. "Lauren, what I'm gonna do right now might look as if it hurts or be scary, but it actually does not hurt at all." He told the green-eyed who was beginning to get nervous.

"You sure i don't hurt?" Lauren ask with pleading eyes.

"I'm sure. I'll be using a maching that cuts the hard stuff from the cast of , but won't cut you" Doctor Styles explained to Lauren.

"Okay" Lauren said, even though she was still a nervous rack.

Dr. Styles went towards one of his cabinets and pulled out what seemed to Lauren an extremely scary cutting machine, but remembered what the doctor had told her. It would just cut the hard stuff of her cast for it to be taken out. She really wanted that. Lauren was extremely tired of that cast and she couldn't wait to be able to walk again.

"That cut of hard thing only?" Lauren asked to Dr. Styles as he set it up.

"Yes it only does that, look" He told her as he turned it on and passed his finger above it. "It won't cut my finger. So you don't have to worry" 

Lauren understood and nodded to what he said. Dr. Styles asked the girl if she was ready to take the cast of, for what she nodded. He then turned the "Scary Machine" on and cut Lauren's cast open. After it was already taken out he washed the girl's leg, making all the dead skin on it fall out. He then went and carried Lauren to the weight, where it marked that the girl weighted twenty ninepounds and measured thirty five inches. 

 Later, Dr Styles grabbed a black boot and put the green-eyed's leg in it.

"Now Lauren has to wear the boot and go to physiotherapy two time per week. The boot can be taken out when she showers and when she's sleeping if you want to. But under no circumstance shall she walk without it on. After maybe three or four weeks of therapy, Lauren's leg will go back to normal" Dr. Styles explained.

"Okay" Dinah said "Is the therapy she's taking is the same as the one we took when we got shot?"

"It's not the same, since you had a gun shot and she has a fracture. It is kind of similar, because she will have a session of exercicies for her to regain the movement of her knee."

"Is the fracture going to affect her during the years?" Normani asked.

"It's almost impossible fo her to have a negative effect on it, but to prevent it, I can suggest to make her do sports in which she will have a movement of knees for her to gain muscle in it." Dr Styles explained "It is also recommended for her to swim, so she doesn't have a seizure in her leg."


After that Laurren was ready and was now time to measure the other two girls and weight them. 

A/N- Hey guys it's 11 pm here , and probably already friday in your countries but I wasn't able to finish the chapter before. I think that probably next update will be saturday but I'm not sure. The thing is that my cousins were supposed to leave on wednesday but decided to stay, and they can be kind of annoying. So yeah I have to stand them a few day more, and the way back home, if they come in my car. If they don't I'll be able to write more chapters in the way. But i'll try to have the chapter I want to upload saturday ready tomorrow. 

Apart from that I hope you guys are loving the story.



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