Chapter 29

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Marathon 7/7

More than a week had passed since Lauren's muscle tear, she was getting used to going around in the wheel chair again. Since it was a Wednesday the girls would have class with Liza and then Normani would go pick Ally up to take her to the phsycologist. Normani and Dinah started going to work normally again, since they had Liza who stayed with the girls from nine am till two thirty pm. By then Normani arrived home and made the family lunch, while Dinah was at work. Dinah would arrive at 3, and take care of the girls as Normani took them to do whatever they needed: from Lauren's therapy to going to the phsycologist.

That day both of the older youngsters had to go to the phsycologist in the afternoon. The week before Dr. Bieber had evaluated Ally and diagnosticated her with anxiety and PTSD, which were the causes of her panics attacks. Therefore, he sent the girl a medicine for her to take every morning. The medicine consisted of a pill the girl had to take after finishing her breakfast, and with that it was suppossed for her to reduse the amount of panick attacks she had. That day at her first phsycological therapy session Dr. Bieber also disussed with the girl about what she felt when she had a panick attack. She told him how she would sink in bad thoughs, which consisted of the fear of her sisters or her being harmed. She explained how she remembered how Mr Robinson beated her up , and started to imagine how would Normani and Dinah ever did. She told him how she knew that Normani and Dinah would never hurt her, neither her younger sisters, but some times her thoughs would make her believe they would. During the session Justin explained to her how she didn't had to have thoughts because he knew neither the dark-skinned nor the Polynesian would hurt her, but it was completely normal for her to react that way.

Ally was mentally prepared to go back to her phsycologist's office after a week, that day. In hwe mind she had things she wanted to dicuss with him, and promised herself to not to be shy and talk to Justin about it.

That morning as always the whole family was up by seven thirty, in the morning. As every morning Nomrani, already showered and dressed would go downstairs and make breakfast for her family of five. As that happened Dinah, still in her pijamas would bath her foster daughters and get them ready. That day she dressed the all with some casual dresses she had bought for them before their arrival. She combed th girls hair, and left Ally with a half ponytail with her bangs out, Lauren with two french braids and her hair down and Camila with her short her down and a small bow in her head.

Once the girls were dressed and had their hair combed, Ally, Camila, Dinah and Lauren headed down the stairs. Dinah had to carry the girl downstairs because she still had the muscle tear in her knee. It had passed a week and her leg was hurting less, but she was still missing a week for her appointment at the doctor. Lauren kept going to therapy so it made her knee get better faster.

Already downstairs, Lauren was sat in her wheel chair and took to the kitchen table where Normani was already serving breakfast. Dinah sat Camila in her baby seat meanwhile Ally took a seat on the chair infront of the table. Done that Dinah went into the kitchen and as every day helped her wife finish serving the family's breakfast. Once that done the dark-skinned and the Polynesian took their seats in the table, where the family started eating the breakfast that had been just made.

"Mani" Ally said, taking the silence of the table.

"Yes, love?"

"Today we go to Justin?"

"Yes love." Normani answered "This time you and Lauren are going together. Why do you ask?"

" 'Cause I want to go" The oldest girl said looking down at her food "I got things I want to tell him."

"Oh sure love" Dinah interviened in the conversation "You can talk to him about what you need today"

"Thank you" Ally said looking at her foster mothers "Thank you for good foster mommies with Lolo, Cami and Me"

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