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The tutoring session began in which she helped Ally writing some words in present and past and then gave her a worksheet for her to do it on her own while she helped her younger sisters.  She toughed Lauren how to write different numbers with a paper sheet that had them pointed out. She then left lauren doing that on her own as she went towards Camila to help her with her talking. That went up for the whole day, as Liza taught them various things from basic math to basic English. 

Liza left at around one pm and assured the girl she would be back the next day. When she left the girls went up to the playroom meanwhile their foster mothers made lunch for them. Dinah made some baked kitchen with potatoes and carrots. It took around an hour for it to be done, therefore the youngsters had plently of time to play with their dolls. While the food was almost finished baking Dinah sat the table to later go into the playroom to call her three foster daughters to stop playing and and go to the table for lunch.

"Loves, time for lunch". Dinah said from the playroom's door.RT

"Yes, DJ".

The girls got up from the floor and left the room with Dinah to later go to eat with their other foster mother. They sat in the table as Dinah brought in there water and Normani the tray with the food. The two women sat in the table with their foster daughters, and served the gilrs' plates. The girls waited until everyone was served and Normani and Dinah helped them cut the chicken and potatoes in pieces to start eating. During the time eating and in between their conversations Ally complimented her foster mother on her food, telling her that everything she cook was delicious and that she needed to teach her how to do it. 

"I will teach you how to cook and bake. On saturday you can help me bake a chocolate cake for us. What to do you think" Normani asked her older foster daughter as a response for being complimented on her food. 

"Yes, but Lolo and Cami help to" Ally told her foster mother.

"And what about me!" Dinah said acting offended.

"Oh I sorry. Dj to" Ally corrected herself

"Sure, love" Normani laughed with her foster daughters " Let's just hope Dinah learns how to not poison our food." Normani teased her wife and her three foster daughters laughed at Normani's comment and Dinah's fake offended face. 

The family's lunch continued like that, with them teasing eachother and acting as a normal family. After lunch, Normani had the idea of taking the girls to play to the park. For that reason, she changed the girls into some leggings, t-shirt and tennis shoes. Once they were ready, Dinah packed some fruit snacks, and juices for them if they got hungry. 

"Lauren, love. You're allowed to run and play in the park. You just got to be careful, we don't want you having an accident." Normani explained to her green-eyed foster daughter Dinah sat her down in her stroller beside Camila.

"Yeah Mani. I be careful." Lauren assured her foster mother "But I can go to the swings, with Ally, right?"

"Of course you can love." Normani assured.

"Well lets go" Dinah said as the family headed out of there garage.

They walked for around the sidewalk for around five minutes until they had arrived to the neighborhood's park. Surprisingly for a monday they were some other kids around Lauren and Ally's age playing around there. The dark-skinned and the Polynesian just hoped that would be for the girls' good, and that they would be able to become friends with the other kids in there. Therefore when they entered the park Normani decided to encourage them.

"Loves, we are here. Why don't you go and play with the other girls around there?" Normani asked her foster daughters, hoping the awnser would be yes. 

"Want to play with other girls, Lolo?" Ally asked her sister.

"You come with me?" Lauren asked back.

"Yes silly. You not going alone." Ally told her sister.

With that the green-eyed and the shorty went up to the other girls in the park to hopefully make some new friends. Lauren and Ally ran a little towards the girls a few feet away from them, and neither Normani or Dinah undersood how the girls all of the sudden were acting extremely calm about it. Normaly they would be extremelly hesitant about talking to people who they didn't know. Notwithstanding it made them happy to see how their foster daughters were healing and becoming what could be called 'normal girls'.

"Lolo, we have to make friends like Bella." Ally told her sister. "I miss her. We your age when we be'ome friends." 

"I want a friend like Bella. She nice" Lauren told her older sister "She said I was cute and 'retty, and she cute and 'retty"

"She more than that" Ally told her green-eyed younger sister "She the best friend. She help me with school and feelings. I sad she made it better"

"She good friend." Lauren mumbled.

They continued walking to the swings were the other girls played until all of a sudden Ally began running extremely fast, confusing her foster mother. Normani stood up from the bench she was sitting with her wife who had Camila in her lap. She looked towards her wife in look of her attention, but her wife was oblivious playing with their youngest foster daughter. Therefore she looked for herself. Lauren tried to run towards her sister not understanding what or who her sister was running through. Until she finally saw it. Ally had arrived to the group of girls where they were going to, and hugged one of the girls tightly. She then recognised who the girl was by hearing her sister squeal.


A/N- Chapter ready chapter updated, missing 4 to go so yeah.

Love, A

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