Chapter 9

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I'm playing outside with my Barbie doll and I look up because there's rustling in the bushes . I grip onto my dolly real tight as I approach where the noise is coming from . I wanted to turn back so badly but I was also very curious . Suddenly there's a large figure emerging from the bushes even tho I can't make out what it is exactly , I know it's very big .

"Who's thewe" I call out gripping on my dolly as if it would provide protection for me .

The figure comes closer and making very slow steps I can see that it's covered in lots and lots of grey hair like my teddy . It was a grey doggy .And it had the biggest gray eyes that looked like the moon.

I smiled brightly when the very large doggy wagged it's tail and licked my face. It even sniffed me all over .

His fur brushed against my nose and it tickled and I laughed , I think he laughed too even tho doggies can't laugh . I showed him all my dollies and we played hide and sick for a while too .

I walked up and touched it's fur it was so soft I think I could sleep on it forever .

"Adriana , where are you sweetie ?" I heard my mom calling my name . I turned around to tell her I was coming but when I looked back to say goodbye to the doggy he was gone .

"Adriana wake up and stop having sexy dreams" I woke up with wide eyes finding Anna over me with her hands on either sides of my head .

"Get off me big head " I said while pushing her off of me . She falls to the ground and I immediately hop on her and start pulling her hair that she cherishes so much .

"Adri quit it " she cries out .

"Nope , not unless you promise not to interrupt my sleep again "

"Never "

"Okay , I guess you don't like these pretty edges then "

" You wouldn't dare "

"Oh yes I would "

I make a swift movement and reach for the scissors on my night stand, I was just about ready to give her a good trim until she surrendered .

" Okay , I give up , I wont disturb you again , it's just that I'm bored " she says

" You're bored? , the boys on the football team aren't as interesting anymore? "I ask

"Nope , they don't intrigue me , I'm looking for adventure you know " she states .

"What about that Jeremy guy you kept going on about ? I asked her

"Been there done that , he's hot and all , but he's so illiterate " she says

"Ooh , What about the guy from wood shop , what was his name , aaum Mike"

"He's too spiritual "

" Alrick "

" He's always blabbing about his dog"

"Jonathan "

"Too clingy "


"I don't like his name "

If I were to continue I would be in here all day .

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