Chapter 11

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I quickly sober up realizing that I'm not gonna get out of this easily , neither is the guy I was dancing with . I quickly push pass him and everyone else . Maybe I could make a run for it ninja style . I was barely able to stand up straight thanks to the vodka, so how could I possibly run ?

I was pulled back harshly into a hard warm surface . I looked up and I was staring at Collin , his eyes looking really dark . He must have in contacts .

"Didn't I fucking tell you not to come?" He hissed , I would answer him but I'm drunk and frightened .
I hold my head down not wanting to stare at his angry face . But I know he's staring daggers into my head .

"You're gonna regret not listening to me " he says while pulling me by the arm , I'm sure it's gonna leave a bruise and if he pulls any harder my arm will rip off . I wince and try to get out of his death grip but he only holds on to me tighter .

He walks us to his car and I'm being pressed up against it , the cold metal pressing up against my thighs making me shiver . His hands are squeezing around my waist real tight .
"This is what you want? , to be treated like your cheap, to act like the rest of the whores walking around the school ? " he asked with a deadly tone .

He sniffs my neck and he looks so disgusted .  He opens the door and I get in the passengers seat but not before I throw up , better the ground than in his car .

He closes the door and starts driving , then I notice that he passed my house .

"Whereee are we go going ?" I asked drunkenly .

He doesn't answer , I can see his grip on the staring wheel tighten . He's mad .

" I can smell him on you , all over you " he shouts .

I could have sworn I saw his canines elongating and his nails too but then again I'm still drunk .

The drive was long and I was almost sobered up,  this time for real tho . I realized what was happening and my heart dropped . I could sense the tension in the air . One wrong move from me and Collin would probably snap .

We came up on an apartment complex and Collin came out of the car slamming his door causing me to jump in fright . He opens my door and I step out .

" Where are we ?" I ask him cautiously . He doesn't answer he just walks towards the building and I follow him . We get into an elevator and we reach what I assume I the top floor in no time .

He grabs onto my arm again and pulls me towards a room and opens the door and practically throws me in .

" Look at you, do you know how badly you were behaving " he said .

"That guy was all over you he was rubbing his crotch all over you Adriana. I should go back and break his neck " he continues .

"I'm sorry .. I just was having a little fun " I tell him while wrapping my arms around myself .

He watches my action and he stiffens .

"Why do you care anyway if he was dancing with me ?" I ask nervously .

He takes a few steps close to me and whispers .

"Cause you're fucking mine "

I'm his ?

Without another word he pulls me to to room and starts talking again .

"I told you there would be consequences if you don't listen to me Adraiana " he says .

He pushed me on the bed and he stands in front of me . He bends down and takes my booties off , his hands brush against my bare skin causing tingles .
I gasp and he looks up at me while taking off the other one .

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