Chapter 2

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Arthit's POV

"Arthit!! Why did you leave the party early last night? You missed the most spectacular show." Bright was guffawing while pointing at Oak who was turning multiple shades of red.

As usual my friends sat on a long bench with the now 2nd years. Sometime after the hazing events and the gear ceremony at the beach my friends and Kongpop's friends merged into one large group. Prem and Wad became the closest of friends while Bright and Oak became a regular comedy duo.

"Who was performing this show? And I am sure you must have recorded it."

Bright did not need a second invitation to whip out his phone and show me the video. Everyone was gathered around me to look at it again.

Poor Oak. In the video he seemed to be dancing near a girl trying to catch her eye. She turned towards him and gave him a small smile, and that's when you could literally see all sense leaving Oak's brain. He upped his 'dancing game' by doing a very awkward Robot dance which transitioned into the worlds most embarrassing worm dance with 4 flailing limbs. At this instance everyone at the party had stopped to watch the atrocity that was Oak's moves. After a few repetitions of utterly failing in the worm and smacking his head in the process on the ground, Oak shot straight up and went in for his first ever split. I don't think I have the courage to describe what followed, but even I had a hard time controlling my laughter.

Upon hearing Oak's groan at the repeated embarrassment I raised my head to offer him some consolation when my face came into a breaths distance away from Kong's. For a single moment I saw straight into his eyes before I shuffled back in my seat. Kong snatched the phone away from my hand and continued watching the video, ribbing into Oak every so often.

Kong was laughing loudly with the rest of them and had a broad smile plastered on his face. His annoying, frustrating, gorgeous face. Who would have thought that I would fall in love with the annoying pain in the ass 1st year Kongpop. The day I realized my feeling was simultaneously the best and worst day of my life.

It was at the beach last year, right after the gear ceremony when I finally had a moment to sit and collect my thoughts. I could see Kong playing around with his friends a short distance away. My heart was fluttering and yet I was irritated. I was so restless and just didn't understand the reason. I wanted to march right upto Kong and punish him. But punish him for what? And why? The frown on my face progressively kept getting deeper when Knott came and sat next to me.

He handed me a cold beer and gave me a calm smile. I sighed. Knott knew me better than anyone else. He did not know anything about my background yet he picked up on all my moods. Honestly sometimes I felt Knott was wasting his talents in engineering. As a psychiatrist he could be minting money.

He turned and stared at Kongpop for what felt like endless few minutes. He finally said the words I needed to hear the most, "Arthit, I have never known you to run away from any challenges. All it takes is a little courage, and I know you have it in spades." He smiled at me, gave my back a small pat and left.

He didn't need to explain and I didn't need to ask. Kong had captivated me since the first day he challenged me. He had pushed his way through to the forefront of my thoughts and it didn't look like he was about to vacate that spot. I was driving my mind around in circles regarding being attracted to another man, to a junior, to Kong. I wasn't sure what I wanted the future to be like. I didn't even know if the words future and Kong would ever fall in the same sentence. All I knew was I had to go find him, talk to him, and sort out our feelings. Just like that, my heart calmed down, my irritation vanished and my frowning faced relaxed.

I stood up, brushed the sand off my pants and hands and walked towards the bonfire, towards Kong.....

.....and saw him kneeling on one leg in front of some girl from his year, asking her to be his girlfriend.

She yelped in pleasure, said a loud "YES!" and threw her arms around him. The large circle of people around them cheered. I caught Knott's eye on the other side of the bonfire. He looked at me with worry shrouding his face. I turned around and walked back towards my room.

One year. One year and 3 girlfriends later Kong was still the bane of my existence. I couldn't stop being in love with him and he wouldn't stop saying cheesy, flirty one liners to me all the while parading his girlfriends for the world to see.

My only saving grace at this point was that I was in my final year. I planned to go very far away after I graduated. I wasn't exactly sure where that faraway place was, but it was definitely somewhere I wouldn't see Kong's bright smile every day. Or smell his cologne when he brushed past close to me, or see him interlacing his fingers with one pretty girl after another. Thankfully, my friends and pretty much everyone in college was already aware for my short, grumpy attitude, since I have been channeling Som's grouchy persona to perfection.

I watched as everyone on the table started clearing away to head to their respective classes. My eyes followed Kong until he turned around the corner. I sighed, collected my stuff, and slowly walked towards my own class. 

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