Chapter 5

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Arthit's POV


I heard Kong's voice and my brain went into overdrive. Did I want to speed walk away cause my heart couldn't bear to be close to him or did I want to turn and walk towards cause my heart always wanted to be around him? Oh lord! When did I get as cheesy as Kong. I sighed and slowed down, waiting for Kong to catch up to me. The speed walking option had not once managed to be a winner.

"What's up Kong? You know you shouldn't be so loud in the hallway. You are disturbing others."

"Sorry, sorry. You know how excited I get every time I see you." Kong flashed a broad smile.

Why, oh why? Can Kong stop looking so radiant just for one freaking day.

"P'Arthit, can you tutor me? You are free for the next couple of hours aren't you?"

I generally use this time to catch a small nap. I don't get much sleep before or after my night shift. Atleast I am lucky that I manage to sleep anywhere and anytime I choose. These couple of hours I generally sneak behind the stadium where the bunch of trees provide a cooling shade with practically no disturbance. But I did want to help Kong. Exams were coming around and everyone was spending most of their free time studying or working on projects.

I started vigorously chewing my lower lip contemplating my answer, when Kong reached out his hand and pinched my lower lip away from my assaulting teeth. He smiled while rubbing his thumb over my bruised lip. "P'Arthit if you are busy then its ok. I can manage on my own. You don't need to get so worried over tutoring me."

I briefly closed my eyes and took a step back away from his hand. Kong was going to be the death of me one day. "No no, ofcourse I can help. Lets go sit by the benches. Do the others need tutoring too?"

Kong shrugged, "I am not too sure. I can go through the material with them again later. Right now I would rather have you all to myself."

After over a year of being around Kong I should have gotten used to his flirting. Was it really flirting? He didn't say such things to anyone else. At the same time he was obviously attracted to girls, and all the pretty girls were definitely attracted to him. I could not remember the last time Kong wasn't dating someone. Maybe he said such things to me just to suck up to me. But why would he need to suck up? Hazing days were long over and anyway even a blind man could see I generally tripped over my own feet to help Kong whenever he needed anything.

After a couple hours of diligent studying, we had to break to head to our respective classes. As much as it hurt to be sitting so close to Kong alone, he was a brilliant student. I was always filled with pride after a study session or when I heard about his exam scores. I bet Som would never Kong a moron.

As I turned to walk away, Kong called out again. This time I turned with a huge frown. Enough already! There is only so much I can control my emotions in a day. "What is it now?"

"P'Arthit I got you a thank you gift." He handed me a large bar of chocolate. No one knew better than him regarding my soft spot for sweets.

"How did you know I would agree?"

"When have you ever refused anything to me P'Arthit". He flashed a smug smile, pinched my nose, and walked away.

Either Kong was the most oblivious, stupidest smart man on earth or he was downright cruel. In either case I was in a no win situation. I shook my head to clear the fog gathered in my brain. I needed to study myself. My only ticket out of this hellhole was to get good grades.

As I reached the factory gate at night I pondered on the tutoring session with Kong. Kong was naturally talented even in a field that wasn't his first choice. I couldn't argue with Som when he called me a moron. I mean, no I am not a moron, but I was definitely not at the level Kong was, or even Knott for that matter. The only thing I could do was work hard. I needed good grades to maintain my scholarship but more importantly I needed to graduate and get a decent job. 

It was painfully obvious that having a night job was not something that I would be able to survive too long. I routinely fell asleep at lunch even with my overly boisterous friends around me. I could almost never stay awake in class, which meant I needed all the more help from Som at night.

Other than studies I was constantly worried about money. With the scholarship and the night job I would have been rolling in money if not for the loan hanging over my head. I have kicked myself close to a million times, both mentally and physically, for having trusted Mike and getting involved in this mess. 

In moments of desperation I have tried to look for some get rich quick schemes but even a moron like me knows I will just dig my hole deeper. Perhaps I could borrow a loan from my friends, but it was so much money. No single person would be able to loan out so much and how would it look if I ran around and asked money from everyone. I had no possessions to sell and no bank would even give me a second look.

"You are uncharacteristically silent today. What happened now? Your king kong got another girlfriend? Did he knock up some girl this time?" Som had to have been a sadist. Why in the world would he say such things with a smile when absolutely nothing else managed to break his scowl?

"No no nothing like that. I just have exams coming up. I am slightly worried about them. Then I need to start hunting for a job. Ideally some place not around here, but I don't know how to go about finding such a job."

"Who are you trying to run away from? Your Kong or the loan sharks?"

"Both I guess. Although I doubt I would get very far if I still owe them money."

"How much do you owe?"

"A lot. After a year I have done nothing but pay interest, which for some reason keeps adding up."

"Hmmpf, I was hoping for something other than the egg sandwich tonight. But after that story I doubt I will get even that."

I had to smile. Som always knew how to diffuse my tension. "Unfortunately, sandwich it is once again. But, I also have chocolate."

That seemed to be bribe enough for Som since he was extra helpful. We finished the homework in no time and spent most of the night studying for my exams. For the first time I wanted to know more aboutSom. He was a fantastic teacher. I wasn't the type to dwell on self-pity or luck generally, but having met Som was definitely one of the best things that happened in my life (other than having met Kong ofcourse). There was no way I would have passed my 3rd or 4th year without Som's help. I made a mental note to buy something nicer than a stale sandwich for him tomorrow.    

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