Chapter 12

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Kong's POV

I heard my name being called and I turned around to see my grandfather. Grandpa? This was definitely a surprise. I gave a broad smile and welcomed him to join the table with my friends. I absolutely adored my grandpa. He gave off a very grumpy look but he was a big softie inside. We used to be very close growing up, although the last couple years we haven't connected as much as I would have wanted. After grandma died, he became even more quiet and reserved. He wouldn't even join us for regular meals anymore. I had even heard that he went for long midnight strolls every night so that he wouldn't have to interact with too many people. A lot of it was my fault too. I was angry about being pushed into engineering and took out my frustration on undeserving parties.

But he was here, amongst my friends and I was genuinely glad. I wanted to show off my grandpa to my friends and I wanted my grandpa to see how great my friends were, how great the students of his old university were. He actually started participating jovially in the conversation commenting on my stubborn nature. I had to smile, everyone present here was very aware of how stubborn I could get. The conversation somehow moved to P'Arthit and I was immediately struck by how similar the two were. They both constantly tried to give off a sullen aura but were intensely loyal and kind underneath. I truly wished P'Arthit was here. I suddenly desperately wanted to introduce him to my grandpa.

"I am taking you home today. You are on break now aren't you?"

"Yes grandpa, I was planning on going on a trip with my friends though. Maybe I can come back and then come home?"

"You obviously spend enough time with your friends, who you don't spend any time with is your mother. If that senior of yours can find the time to go home why can't you? We miss you Kong."

"I know grandpa. Ok fine. Let me just swing by my dorm and pick up some clothes and my computer and I will see you at home. I will come tonight I promise."

"Do you have a girl hidden in your dorm room?"

"What? Grandpa! Ofcourse I don't ."

"Then I can obviously come along with you."

I mentally went over everything in my room. I believe nothing should be out of place. My grandpa would definitely give me a earful if he found my room in a mess. A lot of my personality was shaped due to his influence. He was very particular about everything he did. Meticulous in every task he performed. He checked and rechecked everything to perfection, and some of those habits became part of my everyday life from growing up with him.

As we entered my room I saw him give it a once over and then nod satisfactorily. I was happy he approved. I also know he approved of my studying engineering but he never once pushed me in that direction. Even during my ongoing battle with my parents he did not intervene. I knew he wanted me to be my own man and it gave me great pleasure to know that atleast until now he did not disapprove.

I saw him leaning against the balcony and I silently thanked the heavens that P'Arthit made me throw away my cigarettes. That would not have gone down well with my grandpa. When I joined him on the balcony I told him the first thing that I think of every time I am at this spot. I pointed to a window across and mentioned P'Arthit's room. It was such a loose, nebulous mention of the man that occupied most of my thoughts but I wanted my grandpa to somehow be aware of his existence. Somehow convey how important he had become to me.

The next words from my grandpa somehow drained the blood from my face. He saw someone moving in the room? How could that be? P'Arthit was definitely away. He would have told me if he was back or if someone else was going to be in the room. He knew our rooms faced each other. If I saw a stranger in his balcony I would be worried, and P'Arthit would never intentionally worry me. For some reason the jokes grandpa was cracking was making me more anxious. I tried calling P'Arthit but it went straight to voicemail. I kept trying to peer through the curtains to see what grandpa saw, but it was so dark inside. Maybe it was just a trick of light and grandpa was mistaken. But I didn't want to leave this to chance. I wanted to go check this out myself.

After about 10 minutes of constantly knocking I was ready to concede that nothing was wrong. When did I start getting so paranoid? Though before I turned away from the door my hand automatically went to the handle and twisted it. It was unlocked. There are very few times in my entire life I have felt genuine fear, and the way my heart was beating against my chest I knew this topped the list. I looked to my grandpa for support. He was old and frail and used a walking stick but at this instance he seemed to be my rock. Once I saw him give a brief nod, I pushed the door and stepped in. The room was dark as expected and extremely still. It didn't seem like there had been any movement for days.

It smelled weird though. It didn't smell stale like the rooms do that are closed without ventilation for too long. It didn't even smell like P'Arthit like his room generally does. It smelled like steel or some sort of a metal warehouse. And it smelled thick like someone had pumped the oxygen out of it. I adjusted my eyes and I stepped further in and suddenly my grandpa gasped loudly and grasped my arm really tight. I looked at him confused before I followed his gaze to see a lifeless body crumpled near the foot of the bed with dried blood all around him.

That was P'Arthit. My P'Arthit. Unconscious and unmoving.

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