Chapter 7

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Som's POV

I reached the lamppost close to the rear of the factory gate. I could see a heavier set man slumped on the chair. Tee was sleeping on the job again. I walked over to him and gave a sharp snap with my walking stick on his leg. He woke up with a start and then relaxed again on the chair.

"Oh it's just you Som."

"Why are you here again? Where is Arthit?"

"Don't know. He didn't call in today either. I think he has lost his job now. The boss won't take him back after skipping work without informing."

I turned to walk away. Tee never explicitly shooed me away but he also never offered me the chair to sit on like Arthit did, and I was too old to crouch down on the cold hard ground. Tee also never brought me any food, not unless Arthit specifically instructed him to do so.

Tee was right. Arthit had probably lost his job. Today was the 4th day that he was a no show. Did he find a better job? That was most likely the case since he was talking about a break from school work where he could find a full time job. But since the time I knew Arthit I had never seen him be irresponsible. It was almost unthinkable that he would quit without informing his boss, or Tee, or definitely me. No matter how much Arthit grumbled about money, he never failed to bring me atleast a small meal. Even the days he wasn't working, he would arrange for me to have at minimum a fruit or some bread so that I don't starve. There was no way Arthit would go find another job without worrying about me.

That moron is making me worry, I grumbled under my breath. After a year of his non-stop jabbering he had given me no reasonable way of contacting him. I didn't have a cell phone so giving me his number seemed like a ridiculous idea. I didn't know his address so going to find him personally seemed impossible. I knew his university and faculty, but if a completely unrelated old man went to make inquiries regarding a student, especially when the whole university was on break, I was going to raise too many eye brows.

Hmmpf. This is driving me crazy. When was the last time I cared about some else this much. This is ridiculous. I shouldn't care where or what that moron is doing. But the nagging thought that he had loan sharks after him would just not leave my mind. I still didn't know which shark or how much money was involved, but it didn't matter. They all operated roughly the same way. Images on Arthit injured in some ditch wouldn't leave my mind. I needed to sleep. Clear my head. I was a genius after all. I would come up with a solution by morning.

It was a bright Saturday morning. For some reason I wasn't conflicted anymore. I needed to track down that moron to make sure he was safe and I would do all it takes. Thankfully, Arthit had mentioned more than once where his friends liked to hang out over weekends.

I entered the slightly crowded restaurant. I was completely out of place here. So many young kids being so loud and noisy for absolutely no reason. Once I find Arthit I will kill him myself.

I scanned the room. Definitely no Arthit. I walked towards a large table with several boys and a few girls laughing at something a thin tall boy was saying. I took a deep breath. Here goes.


Everyone turned around almost simultaneously and quieted down to look at me.

"Grandpa? Hi! What are you doing here?"

"Oh I came to talk to your university principle. I got hungry so I came in to eat something. I saw you and thought I would say hi. I can leave if you want."

"No no Grandpa. Don't leave. This is such a pleasant surprise. Come sit with us. What would you like to eat?"

"Egg sandwich" I took the seat Kong had vacated which was right in the middle of the table. Others rearranged their seats to make room for another chair next to mine. Kong returned after ordering my sandwich and introduced everyone to me. Everyone greeted me with a broad smile. I tried to smile back but my sullen face was not used to appearing pleasant. I recognized some of the names that Arthit had mentioned a few times and I scrutinized them a little more closely.

I noticed a young pretty girl sitting closer to Kong than anyone else and I realized this must be Arthit's new love rival. This time a genuine smile broke out on my face while I greeted her back. As much as I was worried about Arthit, teasing him about Kong's girlfriend later was definitely going to be fun. I think she misunderstood my smile to think I approved of her, but as for now I had to begin probing this group regarding their missing friend.

"Are all of you engineering students?"

"Yes grandpa we are all in engineering faculty. These guys are our seniors in their 4th year. These guys are with me in my year." Kong turned to the rest of the table and continued, "My grandpa was a professor at our university for almost 20 years. He has won many teaching awards." He added proudly.

I chuckled "Yes yes, although I doubt I can handle you rebellious kids anymore. I used to be very strict with my students, and don't get me started on all the hazing." I paused hoping that someone would take the bait.

The one named Aim laughed out loud, "Grandpa trust me the hazing is still just as bad. These seniors sitting right here did everything to make our life hell. It's a good thing all us juniors have a forgiving heart otherwise we would have done nothing but plot revenge against them for the next 2 years."

"My Kong taking orders from someone else? I would have loved to see this stubborn one being hazed"

At this point everyone joined in on the laughter including Kong.

The one named Bright added "Grandpa you are absolutely right about that. Kong was the worst troublemaker. I was actually worried Arthit was going to go bald when he kept pulling his hair out due to frustration. Kong would argue against everything Arthit would say."

I narrowed my eyes on Kong when Arthit's name was mentioned. His face transformed into a soft, affectionate smile. This seems interesting. Maybe Arthit wasn't completely crazy. Ok back to the mission.

"Who is Arthit?"

"Oh he was the head hazer when we were first years. Grandpa he was probably the only one who could control Kong."

"Isnt he around?"

"No he went to visit his family. I don't think he will be back until next week". 

I mentally sighed. I didn't doubt that his friends did not know he had no family. I was still hoping for them to know where he was. Now he was missing from work and missing from friends. I needed to ask one of them to call him directly, but I wasn't quite sure how to go about doing that.

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