Chapter 17

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Arthit's POV

"Grandpa! I am trying" I hissed, glaring at Som while he kept jabbing his walking stick at my right leg. I hadn't given much thought to the logistics of moving but it turned out more complicated than I wanted. I had stiches on my left thigh and an acutely sprained right wrist. Because of the stitches on my back I couldn't use crutches without the danger of splitting them.

Currently, I was trying to move from my bed to the wheelchair and I had barked out a NO when Kong had tried to help. There was no way I would let Som see Kong being touchy feely with me. I spent all of last night dying with embarrassment remembering all the love sick escapades I had told Som about Kong.

I could barely meet either of their eyes today. Kong's cause he had so many questions and I hadn't figured out how to address any of them, and Som's cause he wasn't even pretending to conceal his laughter at my expenses. Why did Kong need to have such a sadistic grandfather?

They had basically entered my room in the morning with discharge papers ready to cart me off to their home. I hadn't even finished my first sentence in protest when Som basically cut me off, "Oh yes yes you would rather go home right? Sure I understand. Kong hand him your phone. Once his parents come pick him up we can leave."

I frowned. What was Som upto? "Umm....they won't be able to...umm they are away. I can just go back to my dorm room though."

"Is that so? Ok good. Get your ass in this wheelchair then. We will help you get a cab."

I wanted to say I would probably like to wait for Knott to help me get to my room but I was faced with two most stubborn people under the sun daring me to try.

After about 10 minutes of me trying Som started jabbing the stick in my leg "Hurry up boy! I don't want my old age to be spent away in this awful hospital room."

Thankfully Knott entered at the right time and helped me in the wheel chair. I think the debate as to where as I was going was not going to reopen. I looked upto Som who had a smug look on his face which he turned to give a nod to Kong. That manipulative jerk! And I wasn't sure I was referring to Som or Kong.

Knott had brought along a bag with my clothes and necessities and we piled into Som's car to head to Kong's house. Was it weird that I was nervous about meeting his parents? I shouldn't be right. I mean I was just a friend. I didn't need to make a good impression or anything. I was just a senior, a senior who had gotten beaten up, admitted in the hospital, and needed to be taken care of. Aghhh, I doubt a good impression was a possibility at this point. Maybe they would be so upset that a stranger was staying under their roof that they would insist I return home.

When we pulled into their driveway and Kong and Knott got out of the car to unpack the wheelchair I hissed to Som "You live here?"

"Yup. Nice isn't it?"

"It's a freaking mansion. You are rich?"


"Why have you been gobbling down all my sandwiches? And complaining about them."

"Cause they were free"

I groaned internally. I really was a moron. I basically spent a year worrying about Som starving if I couldn't manage to get him some food and now I find out Som was probably a millionaire, probably owned factories all over. Wait! No it couldn't be. My eyes went huge when I realized. The homeless man I was feeding egg sandwiches every night owned the factory I was guarding. I slapped my hand on forehead mentally cursing myself. Kong and Knott turned around to give me a weird look while Som just chuckled some more.

Any hopes I had that Kong's parent would send me back were futile. They were probably the kindest adults I had ever met who kept assuring me that I could stay as long as I needed and I should not hesitate to ask if I needed anything at all. Knott dropped my stuff and headed off and soon everyone else in the household got back to their routine. All that was left was me and Kong.

Kong wheeled me into a large bedroom which took me all of 2 seconds to know was Kong's with how neat and tidy it was.

"P'Arthit you can stay in my room. I am going to take my sister's next door. It's close enough that if you need anything you can call out to me."

"Umm...uh... umm thanks Kong. Are you sure it is ok for me to stay here? I mean I can easily go stay with Knott or Prem or someone."

"No, you are staying here. Do you think you can stand at all? Let me help me get to the bed."

I was bruised and hurting and so tired, but all I could think of was his hands all over me. He practically scooped me up and placed me on the bed.

"Here P'Arthit let me help you change"

"What? No no I can manage just fine. Just hand me my bag."

He handed me my bag and reached out to help me take off my t-shirt. I automatically shrunk back upon feeling his hands around my ribs.

"P'Arthit what are you doing? You are obviously in pain. Just let me help." He almost had half my t-shirt off by now.

"No no Kong, stop. Kong I can manage...stop..."

I heard a throat clear by the door. I heard and not saw only because my t-shirt was stuck around my face blocking my eyes while I sat on Kong's bed with a completely bare chest.

I completely froze. Please don't let it be Som. Please don't let it be Som.

Kong reached out and removed the rest of the t-shirt from the face and I sat there naked from the chest up staring at a very amused Som.

"What's the hurry Arthit? You are still recovering......Anyway Kong I was wondering if I should send both your lunches here, unless you want to come out to the dining room."

I turned multiple shades of red at Som's comment, where as Kong just tilted his head in confusion before saying we would eat in the room. Som sent a quick wink towards me before heading out.

Kong crouched down in front of me clutching my t-shirt tightly in his hand. I was acutely aware for still being partially naked and Kong being so extra close to me. I started looking around to distract my mind before it short circuited with all the closeness. I was startled again when I felt his fingers on my chest. I was ready to push him away when I saw the expression on his face.

He was caressing my bruises over my chest and ribs and shoulder and waist with feather light strokes. He kept repeatedly going over each bruise with his fingers as if willing them to be erased. He finally looked up at my face as asked "Does it hurt too much?"

His eyes had so much emotion, so much sorrow. My heart was breaking that I made him go through such a traumatic experience. I covered his hand with my own. "It doesn't hurt at all." I squeezed his hand before saying what I had been wanting to all day. "Thanks for saving my life Kong, and taking me to the hospital, and staying with me throughout, and bringing me home, and taking care of me, and, ...and for everything."

He smiled and reached up to give me a soft kiss on my forehead "Always P'Arthit."    

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