Chapter 8

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Som's POV

We were currently on the way to Kong's dorm room. I had semi-blackmailed Kong to come back home with me today saying everyone in the family really missed him. He wanted to pack his clothes and computer from his dorm before heading back home. If Kong was close by I would have more chances of inquiring about Arthit, and maybe give him a call. Also, I clearly remembered Arthit mentioning being able to see Kong's dorm room through his window. Maybe going back to Kong's dorm would give me a clue.

My worry for Arthit was growing. I was seriously contemplating straight up asking Kong for Arthit's phone number and trying to get in touch with him directly. But Arthit had not mentioned anything about his past to his closest friends. If there was truly nothing wrong I did not want to rush into confessing all of Arthit's secrets.

I briefly looked around Kong's room. It was neat and tidy. Everything was organized and perfectly in place. Kong always made me proud. He had been an excellent student and always diligent in everything he did, but always extremely stubborn. 2 years ago was the first time Kong lost a battle against his parents when they made him choose engineering over economics. I would have wholly supported Kong if I wasn't going through my personal pain of having lost the love of my life. As close as Kong and I used to be, we drifted apart since the past 2 years. He was stubbornly still angry with his parents and rarely came home. I had begun hating everyone and everything and barely interacted with people. The day I realized that the boy Arhtit was in love with was my very own Kong, I went through some very conflicting emotions.

I am ashamed to say my first reaction was to be brutally mean to Arthit. I wanted him away from my grandson. Not only was Arthit a man, he was also poor, with no family, no connections, and embroiled with multiple problems. My Kong deserved someone much better. I eventually realized that it was strictly one sided. Every time Arthit mentioned Kong's girlfriend I would relax a little more. Kong wasn't the least interested in Arthit and this allowed me to enjoy listening about my favorite grandson without any worries attached.

Arthit clearly thought Kong had hung the moon in the sky. His praises were endless. It warmed my heart to know all Kong achieved and how successful he was in everything he attempted. But slowly my attitude changed. It wasn't just about Kong's talents and achievements anymore. It was more about how thoroughly loved Kong was. Here sat a young man, in the middle of the night, neck deep in his own troubles, next to what he assumed was a homeless man, talking about another human being with nothing but pure joy and innocent love. As heartless as people assumed me to be, I did have one, and it melted a little everyday listening to Arthit's different versions of "My Kong is perfect" for almost a year. I wasn't angry or upset at Arthit anymore, but now I found another soul to share my heartache with. Both of us under the night sky would think and talk about our loved ones without the shame of being judged.

I turned towards the balcony, scanning the 100s of matchbox sized apartments across from Kong's dorm room. Hmmpf, it would be impossible to locate anything connected to Arthit in this manner. I need to wait till Kong comes home before trying further.

"That room right there, do you see it? The one with the yellow flowers? That is P'Arthit's room."

I whipped my head towards Kong. Could he read my thoughts? That was extremely creepy. But then I saw him smiling at the room while he was talking to me. Hmmm, this kept getting more interesting.

I turned and looked at the room trying to formulate my next step. The curtains were slightly parted although the room was covered in darkness.

"Didn't you say your senior was away visiting family?"

"Yes he is, why?"

"I just saw someone move inside his room. Oh it must be his roommate. Anyway, are you all packed? Let's go."

Kong was still looking at the slightly parted curtains, now with a deep frown. I am hoping my suspicion proves true.

"He doesn't have a roommate. Are you sure you saw something move? Maybe your eyes need to get checked again."

"Oye listen here boy! My eyes are perfect. If I say something moved then something moved. Why do you care anyway? Maybe he moved away from that room."

"No he wouldn't move away without telling me. And he has no roommates. And he definitely told me he is going to visit family." Kong's frown was deepening with every passing second.

"How would you know? Does he tell you before everything he does?"

"Well, no but if he moved he would have needed help right? He would have asked me. Wait let me call him. It will take just a minute."

I was surprised that the loud pounding heart in the room was Kong's. Although to be fair if my heart started pounding loudly I would probably need to be rushed to the hospital. I chuckled at my own joke and waited for Kong to finish dialing.

"He isn't picking up Gandpa. Would you mind terribly if I quickly run up to his apartment? I just want to make sure everything is OK."

Hook, line, and sinker. I clucked my tongue loudly trying to make an annoyed sound. "Let's make it quick then. I am obviously coming with you, you aren't going to some random room alone."

We crossed the street and headed up to his apartment. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but the heart rate I was so worried about just a few minutes ago might definitely become a problem. My old hands shivered slightly as I clutched my walking stick tightly. Kong started knocking on his door and calling his name. I briefly contemplated hiding just in case Arthit came to the door and saw me right next to Kong, but I pushed that idea away. I need to see for myself that the moron was OK. I had gone through too much trouble for his sake already.

After a few minutes of no response, Kong tried turning the door handle and it opened with a soft click. He turned to look at me as if to ask for my permission, and after a brief nod from me both of us slowly entered the room.

The first thing that we noticed was the strong musky smell. That was not typically the smell I associated with Arthit. No, wait. It was more rusty, like..... the smell of blood.

And that's exactly what we saw. Right in the middle of the room, a limp Arthit surrounded by a large amount of his dried blood.    

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