Chapter 6

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Arthit's POV

I was sick. I had been sick for over a week now. I needed to sleep. That's it. At this moment in my life I could not ask for anything other than just a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. The good news was that today was my last day of exams. The bad news was I had not gone to work for over 5 days now. I had called into the factory and told them I would not be able to work until I got better and asked Tee to buy some food for Som in case he came around.

All my friends, along with Kong and his friends were keenly aware that I was sick while sitting for my exams. They practically never left me alone. Knott and Kong had the self-appointed duty to shuttle me back and forth. Prem constantly attached to my hip carried my books and bags. Bright, May, and Aim constantly fed me juices and soups. I could not be more grateful to all of them for helping me get through my exams, but at the same time I needed to get away from them just for a few hours. I had to find a way to go to work at night. I still needed to compensate from being short in my last month's loan payment, and not being able to work for close to a week will definitely not help my situation.

A ray of hope was the 3 week break right after exams. We were meant to seriously start with our job hunt at this point, but this break would give me a chance to work both in the day and night and make up some of the lost money.

Kong was waiting on his bike when I exited the building. He flashed me smile and helped me put on his helmet. I just didn't have the strength to argue against him not wearing the helmet again. He helped me into my room, change into my night shirt, and tucked me in bed. I was ready to pass out by this time and was barely aware of Kong pattering around my room. I was already half dreaming when Kong shut the thick curtains to block out the sun, and I am sure I am mistaken but I almost felt soft lips brush against my cheeks before I heard the soft thud of the front door shut.

I was floating. I was flying. I could see the 4 year old me crying in the corner. Then I wasn't crying anymore. I was laughing. I was playing on the swing sets. I was swinging so high, and so fast. It was exhilarating. I had never laughed so hard. There was someone else. Laughing with me just as hard. Mike. It was Mike's voice. He was pushing the swing with as much force as he could muster. Suddenly we were in the room again. Mike was holding a 10 year old me, telling me not to cry. Telling me I was a strong boy. Telling me if I stopped crying he would buy me my favorite pink milk. It was just some scrapped knees. Big boys don't cry because of a small scratch. Everything changed again. I was older now. I was the one holding Mike. He looked so thin and sick. He was shivering and I was desperately trying to get him warm. I didn't know what to do though. No matter how much I rubbed his arms, my hands didn't feel anything. There was no friction, no warmth, nothing. I could see Mike getting angry at me. I was trying to help but I just couldn't. He shoved me away and punched my face. I kept telling him to stop, that I was trying to help him, I truly was. But he kept punching me over and over again. It didn't hurt. Why wasn't it hurting? It used to hurt earlier, why wasn't it hurting now? I finally got angry and furiously shoved Mike away from me. He stumbled and fell a few feet away. But it was all wrong, it wasn't Mike fallen in front of me. It was Kong. He was looking at me with confusion with tears rolling down his cheeks. Wait why was Kong here? No no no no. Kong shouldn't be here. This wasn't right. Kong wouldn't be involved with Mike. I reached out to Kong but he kept backing away.

I jerked awake. My forehead and body were drenched with sweat. What a weird ass dream. This is exactly why falling sick sucked. You start hallucinating and get terrible nightmares. I re-oriented myself to the present and realized that my fever had broken. My throat and body didn't hurt as bad. I stretched my body and rolled my limbs to find that I had most of my strength back. Finally!

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table to see it was close to 10 am. I had slept almost 20 hours. I sent a quick message to the group chat thanking everyone for helping me all of last week even though they had their own exams and that I was feeling much better now. Almost instantly everyone started replying that they were glad I was feeling better and that everyone was meeting for lunch which would eventually turn into a party going late into the night.

I agreed to lunch and quickly called the factory to confirm that I would come into work tonight. I needed to start looking for a day job for the upcoming 3 weeks. I feared that my next loan payment drop off might not go very smoothly if I didn't have a back up plan.

I arrived at the restaurant with everyone already gathered around a table. Everyone waved and Kong quickly rearranged the chairs to place an empty seat right next to him. On his other side was his latest fling. Of course, why wouldn't Kong go right back to playing games with my heart. I couldn't be a grouch today. Everyone had done a great deal for me already. I put my best smile on my face and took the seat. Conversation resumed and I started discussing the exams and the upcoming plans with Prem and Knott. Every so often Kong would drop some food on my plate with a smile.

I made it a point to mention that I was going to visit my family for the next couple of weeks and that I wouldn't be able to hang around with them. I needed to work fulltime and nobody at this table knew that I had no family. I heard a few grumbles and Kong added that he couldn't take 2 weeks of no P'Arthit. "I might just have to come find you at your parents' house if I begin to miss you too much." He added with a wink. Then he turned around to his girlfriend to continue making plans with her.

I think I should go into acting. Or maybe become a professional poker player. There are has to be some benefit to be able mask my expressions so well. While everyone else prepared to head to the clubs, I packed some of the leftovers to take to Som. It had gotten late already and there was no potential for a job search today so instead I decided to go home and take a nap before work. Nap. That three letter word was music to my ears. I doubt anyone must have seen a wider smile on my face while I was contemplating the pleasures of my evening. I turned to see Kong give me an amused smile, which for the first time I fully returned.

Later that night I looked up to see Som walking towards me. For once I was rested, had no homework, and some decent food. Tonight looked promising already.

"Finally boy! I was wondering when you were going to show your face around here again."

"Aww Som. Did you miss me?"

"Ofcourse I missed you. You bring me food, and I don't have to spend hours watching pictures of a snot filled toddler."

"Ah! Tee got you to see his little girl's picture?"

"If it was a picture I would not have spared you a thought. It was pictures. Hundreds, no, thousands. That kid is 3 months old. She does nothing. How many pictures do you need of a sleeping baby looking exactly the same. At one point I almost broke his phone. I can't believe he actually made me miss you and your king kong. "

I laughed out loud, "I missed you too Som."

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