Chapter 21

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Arthit's POV

I was so angry I literally felt fire bursting out of every pore of my body. I controlled my ire until we reached the bedroom and made sure I shut and locked it before turning around to face Mike.

"You want to tell me what the fuck you are doing here?"

"Listen Arthit I was genuinely worried about you. I heard what happened. Then you went totally off the grid. I didn't know how badly you were hurt. I was trying to track you down and I had no way of contacting you other than coming here myself. Here, I managed to get your phone back for you."

I snatched it away from him angrily. There were multiple cracks on the screen. It would be a miracle if it was still working.

I glared at him again. I was so mad I couldn't form appropriate words to express them. "What the fuck happened?"

"I messed up Arthit. I am so sorry. I know I messed up. Can you forgive me?"

"I don't give two hoots about forgiving you. You and I both know you don't care about that. How are you going to fix it?"

"I will think of something. I promise I will. Don't worry I will find a way to fix it."

I took a deep breath. This was not going to lead us anywhere. I could keep blaming him and keep getting mad at him but other than apologies I never got anything back. I made a mistake a long time ago and it seems those consequences will follow me forever. My eyes suddenly snapped open. How could I have not realized this earlier.

"Mike why are you here?"

"I told you I was worried about you. I really had no other way of getting in touch with you."

"I don't have any money Mike. They took away my wallet."

"I know"


"Maybe your friend Kong can lend you some....? He definitely seems like he can afford you still need to get back on your feet and ..."

Before he could finish his sentence I was thrown into a wild rage and without further thought I threw my hand back and punched him as hard as I could.

Both of us yelped with pain and fell on our knees. He had a bloody, and probably broken nose. I foolishly had used my right hand which hadn't quite healed yet and I could feel a severe throbbing pain in wrist again.

"Why'd you do that for? I was just suggesting"

"Mike get out of here before I send you to the hospital myself. I don't want you coming back here ever again. I see you come close to this house or Kong again I will make sure they kill you this time."

"Who is this Kong anyway? Why are you living under his roof? He really seems to be sweet on you, don't tell me you finally pimped yourself out"

I pounced towards them and punched him again. I pulled back my hand to go for one more round when I halted. My fist, my hand was shaking violently, I couldn't tell because of the pain or the anger. I can't believe I brought this filth to Kong's house. I should never have agreed to come here. I knew Mike would follow me. There was a reason I had made sure not to involve anyone else in my life, and I can't believe I had slipped. I needed to leave and take Mike with me, and make sure that he never came here again.

I stood up and started packing my bag. My stitches were close to healing, my bruises were not too bad and overall I had regained much of my strength. It was close to 2 weeks since they had tried to rearrange my face and I felt I could survive on my own again. My wrist would be a problem again but I didn't have the energy to worry about that right now.

I gave Mike a cloth to cover his nose and stop the bleeding. I grabbed his collar and jerked open the door and walked straight into Kong.

He had an ashen look on his face and seemed really dazed. He looked up at me at first as if still trying to recognize me. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and focused on me. Taking in Mike's broken, bleeding nose, my hand grabbing his collar, and my other hand completely green and swollen carrying my bag he raised a questioning brow.

I let go of his collar and lowered my bag so as to not draw attention to my hand.

"Are you going somewhere P'Arthit?"

"Umm yeah Kong, I think I will go home now. I am feeling much better and I need to start my job hunt."

"Which home? Your dorm or you parent's house?"

"Actually I am going to go stay with Mike for a few days. He has a break from work so he can look after me if I need help."

"You can just stay here P'Arthit. Do your job hunt from here. I can take you anywhere you need to go."

I wanted to scream YES! so desperately. Just kick Mike out and stay with Kong but I couldn't do it. Not yet. Maybe once I graduated and found a better job and paid off all the loans. Maybe then I could come to Kong's house without feeling guilty.

"I think I will head back with Mike today. We need to catch up on old times."

He turned to look at Mike again. The cloth was nearly completely stained red now. There was no explanation that I could give that would sound remotely reasonable as to why I was leaving with the guy whose nose I just broke.

"Say bye to grandpa and your parents for me please. And thank them for everything. I will call you later ok. Bye." I started walking away when Kong caught my arm.

"Will you?"


"Will you call later?"

"Yeah. Yeah I will call later."

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