Chapter 33

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Kong's POV

I was waiting for P'Arthit near the bushes outside the house. I knew he would come running and would be really worried. Although he had ignored me for 3 weeks I had not doubted for a second that he would come to rescue me. Everything had gone exactly as planned.

I saw P'Arthit reach the house and get ready to go in when I stopped him. He turned out slightly scared but I could see relief instantly replace fear. If I had ever doubted how much P'Arthit loved me, that instant all of them would have vanished. He kissed my face and mouth over and over again and kept hugging me. I could feel him shivering against me and I started rubbing his arms to calm him down.

I needed to take him back to my house, grandpa was waiting there for us. I knew what I had to do, but I couldn't help fearing what was to come ahead. As traumatic as the last couple of hours had been for P'Arthit, it was going to get a lot worse.

I held his hand tight and laced my fingers through his to assure him that I was right next to him. Hopefully, he would still want me next to him by the end of the night.

We entered the house with our hands still linked. P'Arthit kept tight hold on it as if he was scared of letting go. I led him towards grandpa's study where grandpa, Mike, and a couple of guards were present.

I could see P'Arthit's confusion about everyone in the room and he looked between me and Mike.

"What happened tonight?"

Grandpa finally spoke in a soft voice. I had never heard him sound so compassionate before. "Firstly, Arthit you don't need to worry about the loan anymore. They will not bother you again."


"Because all of them were arrested."

"Arrested? For what?"

"Drug charges. A variety of drugs in a very large quantity was recovered during the raid. I doubt you will have to worry about seeing them again."

"Raid? How was there a raid? The cops were all bribed. They never did anything before."

Grandpa chuckled lightly, "I know a few politicians. I just had to tell them that this particular drug gang was creating trouble near the factory. The local bribed cops should also get replaced soon. Hopefully, we can keep this area gang free for a while."

P'Arthit took in the information and sighed heavily. "Wow! That's....that's....I mean ...I....I don't know what to say Som. I....Thanks Som. Thank you so much. Haha..I keep owing you favors huh?" P'Arthit gave a small laugh and grandpa only smiled in return.

We were waiting for P'Arthit to process this information when he realized our hands were still linked. He frowned then and turned to me. "When did they take you? Were you there when the place was getting raided? Thank god they didn't hurt you."

"No P'Arthit the raid was conducted in the morning. The house has been sealed off by the police."

His frown deepened. "But...Mike came to us just a couple hours ago that they took you. But if the raid was already done and everyone arrested then...." He looked at me searchingly...." body actually took you? You weren't with them?"

"No P'Arthit. Nobody actually took me."

He looked around the room looking at all our faces, searching for answers. He finally landed on the one who had started the whole thing.

"Mike, what is going on?"

Mike sat there silently with his head bowed down, refusing to look up or say anything.

"Mike tell me what is going on right now."

Grandpa once again took control of the conversation. "Mike here had come up with a nice plan to solve your and most importantly his loan problem."

I saw P'Arthit's face tighten, he clenched his jaw and asked "What was the plan."

"To give them bigger fish to fry. In the form on Kong."

I felt P'Arthit tighten his grip on my hand till I thought he was about to crush it. "How?"

"The idea was quite brilliant actually mainly cause it was so simple. He went and told them you had made all necessary plans to leave the country. Obviously without you around they don't get their payment and Mike doesn't get his drugs. So he offered them Kong as your boyfriend. You see once they have Kong within their grasp you wouldn't be able to leave so easily."

P'Arthit's entire body was vibrating with tension. I was afraid if I let his hand go, he was going to start hitting Mike. "I still don't understand. I am not leaving. Infact I was killing myself making extra payments. What would putting Kong in danger achieve?"

"Oh this was just the set up. The finale was Kong's family. We weren't going to just let Kong be with gangsters and drug dealers. Either we would pay to have Kong released and that goes towards the money Mike owes them or we barge in there with cops. Both cases Mike comes out the winner."

"But what if it didn't go like he thought? What if they hurt Kong before his family got involved? What if I had gone there to get Kong and I got hurt? There were a million things that wouldn't work out."

"This is the one time I can't call someone a moron. Cause Mike had a perfect solution to most of those scenarios."

P'Arthit closed his eyes knowing the answer already. "What?"

"A one way ticket for himself to Japan."

He finally let my hand go and sat down on the chair across from Mike. After a long pause in conversation, P'Arthit slowly raised his head to grandpa and asked softly.

"You knew he was planning this?"


"And you still went along with it?"

Grandpa softened his voice as if talking to a young child. "We staged the kidnapping to see how far Mike would go. Arthit I wanted to help you. Paying off your loan was never the problem. Both of us know that if nothing changed this wouldn't be the last loan Mike would borrow. I needed to show you the path your life would go down if you kept choosing Mike's mistake over yourself. And the only person I know you care about more than anyone is Kong. You are used to sacrificing your life for Mike but are you ready to sacrifice Kong's life too. Mike was willing to do that today. I know you want to help Mike. I truly understand. But taking over responsibilities for all his mistakes is not the way. I am not asking you to choose between your brother and your love. I am asking you to choose your own happiness for once."

Tears were rolling down both his cheeks, but he just silently kept sitting there. After what felt like an eternity he finally rose.

"Thanks a lot for everything Som. I think I will go home now." He looked towards Mike, who was still sitting with his head bowed. "You can do whatever you want with Mike."

The sun was rising as P'Arthit left my house without turning back.

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