Chapter 24

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Kong's POV

Did I think everything was going to be just like it used to be? It wasn't. I know it wasn't P'Arthit that changed. It couldn't have been since I had yet to see him. I had moved back to my dorm early morning and marched right to his room to surprise him. I knocked, and knocked and called relentlessly, but absolutely nothing. That was 10 am, it is 5 pm now. 7 freaking hours I have spent either peering out of my window to see any movement in his room or pacing outside his door just in case he finally comes home. I finally settled outside his door with some textbooks hoping to be at least slightly productive.

"Kong.....Kong...Wake up"

P'Arthit was shaking me awake "What are you doing here?"

"I told you I would come visit you today" I was annoyed. I seemed to want to see him so desperately, and he hadn't even remembered.

"I told you to call before coming. I was out all day. How long have you been sitting here?"

"I called. A lot."

"Oh shit you did?" He slipped a banged up phone out of his pocket. "I think my phone stopped working."

"Is that your old phone? I had thought you bought a new one"

"Umm no Mike found my phone and gave it to me"

Mike? Awesome! Now I was annoyed and jealous.

"How did Mike know where your phone would be?"

He just shrugged. That was so typical. He evaded any questions he didn't want to answer. I followed him inside trying to get my emotions under control.

"Do you want to go grab dinner? I just need to take a quick shower and then we can go."

"Why don't you go take a shower P'Arthit? I can pick up some food until then". This would give me some time to get into a better mood before I spoke to P'Arthit again. I had waited all day to see him and I did not want to ruin it by being grumpy. Also, I had this urge to keep him all to myself. Not share him even with random strangers at the restaurant.

On returning with the food I laid down on his bed waiting for him to finish his shower, trying to figure out if I could get his phone to restart. P'Arthit entered the room drying his hair with flushed red cheeks and a heart stopping smile.

My emotions were bubbling just under the surface threatening to spill over. I just needed to touch him and I wasn't thinking too much of the consequences. Now that I had realized my feeling for him, it was like the floodgates had opened. Every thought, every action connected to him seemed to have a magnified effect on me.

I walked up to him and caught his wrist halting his attempts to dry his hair. I ran my hand through his hair slowly, starting from his forehead, feeling his luscious hair between my fingers, as my nails lightly scraped his skin and my palm massaged his scalp, my hand reached the back of his head and I grasped his neck, roughly pulling him close to me.

He had started frowning in confusion and let out a breathless "Kong...!" His hands were flat against my chest, trying to maintain some distance but not exactly pushing me away.

I took that as a positive sign and wrapped my other arm around his waist closing the little distance we had between us. Our faces were mere inches away and I could feel his warm breath on my face when he spoke in a soft whisper.

"What are you doing Kong?"

I wish I could tell him. I wish I knew what I was doing. But my mind was swimming with everything P'Arthit. I could see the gold flecks reflected in his eyes. I could see a water droplet slide down his damp hair, down the temple, framing his cheek before it disappeared. I could see the slight frown on his forehead, the accompanying crinkle on his nose. I could see his full, plump lips parted, slightly trembling with the heavy breaths.

We were both silent for a second. Each contemplating our next move. Right now I could see nothing but his mouth, looking so inviting. Then a tiny pink tip of his tongue peeked out to moisten his lower lip and that's when my dam broke.

I attacked his lips like there was no tomorrow. Sucking, chewing, licking. I couldn't get enough of his taste. I had felt him stiffen initially but he was relaxed in my arms now. His hands clutched my shirt as he began kissing me back. I barely had to probe before his lips parted some more to let my tongue enter and explore his mind numbingly exquisite taste further. I ran both my hands down his back applying enough pressure to push him further towards me. I squeezed his hips with both my hands before running them up again towards his waist. This time I slipped my hands under his t-shirt while I ran them on his bare back, my nails lightly scraping his smooth warm skin.

We had broken away from our kiss as I was running my lips down cheeks, his jaw, his neck, biting and sucking as I went. His hands were in my hair with the same intensity with which I tasted his skin. I could feel his breathing close to my ear which drove me to a wild frenzy.

The loud ring of my cell phone abruptly halted our actions. We looked at each both uncertain as to what had just transpired. As the phone kept ringing, P'Arthit untangled himself from me and walked away to the table and started hurriedly unpacking the food.

I answered the call, honestly just to get a few moments before we had to address our giant make out session.


"Hello Kong!"


"Yes, who else. I have been waiting for over an hour. When are you getting here?"

"Oh Shit! Nim, I totally forgot. I ....uh.... can you call someone else?"

"You are not serious are you?"

"Ummm, no, ok, just wait I will be there soon." I hung up and looked up to see P'Arthit still had his back turned to me.



"Ummm I..... right now between us .... Umm .. I think I.."

"You shouldn't keep Nim waiting. Leave now. I need to go out myself. Let's talk tomorrow."

I did need to leave, and everything we needed to talk about, which was a lot, couldn't be rushed.

"Ok P'Arthit. Can I call you tomorrow? When will you be home? I can come over."

"I don't know Kong. I will let you know."

He had still not turned around to look at me and I had a sinking feeling in my heart.

"Ok P'Arthit. You rest well. I will see Bye"    

Finding my way [Complete]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें