Chapter 14

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Arthit's POV

After the most bombshell climactic reveal of Som being Kong's grandpa, I basically shut my eyes and slipped down to pretend sleeping. I wouldn't budge no matter what anyone would say. I could hear Som's soft chuckle next to Kong and I was almost ready to jump out and strangle Som. Everyone started filtering out of the room promising to check on me tomorrow. Knott squeezed my hand and I opened my eyes. "I will come by tomorrow and we will figure out everything ok. Just don't worry about anything and get better soon." I nodded reassuringly and he left.

I tightly shut my eyes again. The only two people in my room now were Kong and Som. What sick joke did the universe keep playing on me.

"Kong why don't you ask for another cold compress for his jaw. I feel the swelling rising up again. It needs to get under control if we don't want him constantly spraying food and drinks on visitors." Kong quietly stood up from his chair and left the room.

I jolted up on the bed in a seating position and stared hard at Som. "What the fuck Som!"

"Oh so you can talk now?"

"Yes I can talk now, but shouldn't you be the one talking."

"Nope. Am I the one beaten to a pulp in a hospital bed who was passed out for days without anyone knowing." This was the first time I had ever seen Som angry. He generally had no expressions at all unless it was sarcasm or scorn. This expression of his reminded me of Kong. I asked hesitantly, "Umm....How did you find me?"

"I came looking for you, you moron! You just vanished in thin air. I am going to make you pay for the effort I had to put in to track you down."

After a few deep breaths he continued, "Who the hell did this to you? We had to make up some phony story about an accident."

I knew this was going to come up but I wasn't ready to deal with any of that yet.

"How come you never told me Kong was your grandson?"

"I didn't think it was important."

"Not important? NOT IMPORTANT? SOM!"

"Sshhh. Do you want the whole hospital to know that Kong is my grandson now."

"What have you told him?"


"What do you mean?"

"I told him nothing"

"How is that possible? Why else would he bring you to my room?"

"I have told you multiple times before that I am as close to a genius you will ever meet. I barely had to say anything before Kong was walking me right to your door."

"You tricked your own grandson?"

"I wasn't tricking him, I was saving your life you moron"

"Thanks Som. I don't think I will ever be able to pay you back for this."

"Oh none of that 'don't know how to pay you back' rubbish. You put me through a lot and I will find a way to extract a payment out of you. Trust me you will be paying me back till either of our last breaths. And looking at your track record it seems that I will outlive ya."

"Yes yes whatever you want Som." Then I asked the next question in all seriousness. "What should I tell Kong?"

"That is really not my problem now is it? Tell him anything you want to. The easiest is to tell him to get lost cause it's none of his business. But if I was generously in the mood of giving advice, I would tell you to go with the truth route. He is my grandson after all. He will eventually figure out everything anyway. Now that you are awake I am taking Kong home to sleep. He has been tired and stressed worrying over you. Rest for tonight and try not to die while we are away."

We sat in silence until Kong returned with the cold compress. He handed it to me once again without saying anything. I pressed it against my cheek as Kong and Som left the room. Tiredness was taking over my body and mind. My last thought before I drifted off was that I needed to track down Mike.

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