Chapter 20

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Kong's POV

I wasn't prone to being a judgmental person. There were very few people I disliked instantly and I always had a good reason for it. But this one instance all rules were thrown out the window. Grandpa, P'Arthit, and I were sitting in the garden in the front lawn, while grandpa was telling his hazing stories while he was still a professor. It was amusing to see grandpa and P'Arthit interact. In a very weird way they seemed to be good friends. I was really enjoying myself when it was announced that P'Arthit had a visitor. Since he still didn't have his phone nearly everyone knew to message me before dropping by. I quickly checked for new messages. Hmmm, that is weird, was it supposed to be some sort of a surprise?

Instead of anyone I recognized, a fairly tall man entered the garden. He looked to be in his mid to late 20s and had a huge scowl on his face. As soon as he saw P'Arthit he rushed towards him completely ignoring me and grandpa. He scooped P'Arthit up and crushed him in a hug ignoring the loud 'ouch' that followed. He plastered multiple wet sloppy kisses all over P'Arthit's face. That is when my instant hatred was cemented. Who exactly was this person invading our privacy? I looked towards grandpa to see if he recognized this completely unwelcome stranger. He had a mischievous smile on his face but he shook his head no.

P'Arthit finally managed to extract himself from the death grip and turned around towards us.

"Uh this is Mike. Mike, this is my university junior Kongpop and his grandpa."

The creature called Mike greeted us all the while holding onto P'Arthit's hand. Did he not even know how to greet people properly?

"How did you know I was here?"

"I have been trying to call you for days Arthit"

"Yeah I ..uh.. lost my phone"

"I got worried so I went to your room but nobody was answering. Then I started asking around your university. That was where I should have gone first. Absolutely everyone knew you were staying here."


"Yeah, apparently both of you are pretty popular" He grinned, which vanished quickly "Where have you been? And what happened to you?"

"Umm do you want to come in and have something to eat or drink? We can catch up in the room. Kong you mind if I go in for some time? I think I am starting to get a little tired."

I gave P'Arthit a dejected look. He was obviously going to confide in this Mike instead of me. He had been avoiding even mentioning anything remotely related to his injuries all these days. I gave a brief nod. There wasn't much I could do or say.

As they were walking away, the devil incarnate talked again, "Ai'Oon do you want to come home with me. I can look after you."

I didn't hear the response mainly cause I had fire bursting out of every pore of my body. I was so angry I was seeing red. If grandpa hadn't caught my arm to stop me I would have physically separated the two. Grandpa had his eyebrows raised at my expression which quickly devolved into a chuckle. I on the other hand couldn't find any amusement in the situation.

I kept finding excuses to walk past the bedroom door which was tightly shut. I wasn't about to barge in and demand I be a part of the conversation. Or better yet kick Mike out and have the conversation only with me. But I was open to hearing any random words or hints that made it through the shut door.

I was being irrational. I knew it. I was fully aware what my actions looked like but I wasn't able to stop. When it came to P'Arthit I was completely OK being irrational and there was no one who could convince me otherwise.

When it came to P'Arthit I wanted to be a part of every aspect of his life. I wanted to know absolutely everything about him. I wanted to be closer to him than anyone had ever been before or would ever be in the future. I wanted to not let him leave with strangers, hell, I did not even want him to ever go back to his own house. I just wanted him to stay here. Stay here with me. Oh God! I was in love with P'Arthit.

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