Chapter 25

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Arthit's POV

As soon as Kong shut the door behind him, I slumped down on the chair. What the actual Fuck just happened? Kong had kissed me. No, more like Kong had devoured me. And I kissed him back. This wasn't just like his regular teasing. As embarrassed as I got when he did that, atleast I could handle it. What was this about? And then....then he just left. He has a wild make out session with me and then just leaves. To meet his girlfriend no less. I don't even know what to make of him anymore.

I shouldn't have let him kiss me. I should have pushed him away. Ugh, why did my brain stop working! But c'mon, there was no conceivable way I was going to be able to resist it. I had fantasized about him for over a year nearly every waking minute. Even I had to cut myself some slack.

I needed to sleep. I needed to shut my brain. I had been at work all day and I had to go on my night shift soon. I laid down on the bed hoping my tiredness would be enough to make me stop hyperventilating.

I should have known that was a terrible idea. As soon as I shut my eyes flashes of Kong kept entering my mind. As if I wasn't thinking of Kong enough already, now I actually had an event to over analyze.

By the time I dragged myself to the factory, Som had already settled himself in his regular chair.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Your grandson" I grumbled

He chuckled, cause why would he not? The two of them had sworn to make my life hell. "What did he do now?"

"He is messing with my head."

"Good thing there isn't much in there to mess with"


"Ok Ok, Tell me what happened."


He laughed loudly looking at my intensely red face. "Must have been a very eventful nothing."

"Where is he now?"

"With his girlfriend" I replied with a sour face.

"Oh? That is interesting."

I couldn't particularly vent about Kong to Som anymore. So I decided to change the subject instead.

"Som, why do you come here every night?"

"Why did you get beat up?"

I sighed, it was always such a battle getting a straight answer from Som. Exactly like Kong. But I needed to talk about everything that was eating me from inside out. And Som had been my truest confidant.

"It was the loan sharks. Umm, you met Mike right? We are sort of guarantors on the loan together. That idiot went and borrowed more money from them without telling me and then disappeared. When I went to make the monthly payment they thought I was lying when I said I didn't know where Mike was. I got into a fight with them cause I didn't believe he would borrow money without telling me."

"Did he borrow a lot?"


"And now that's on you too?"




"So what is your masterplan? Keep paying down someone else's loan? I can just imagine it. 70 year old Arthit sitting in this chair still working as a night guard."

"I am not sure yet. I know something needs to change I just don't know what." I sighed and turned to Som. "Your turn now."

"You see that bench over there? That is where I met Kong's grandma for the first time. This factory was started by my father and I used to work at this gate as a guard during the day. I would go over to that bench every day to have my lunch. About the same time a young girl of about 19 would come around to eat her lunch, feed the birds and leave. Most days she would have nothing but an apple to eat. I eventually found out she worked in the factory too."

"One day I asked her to swap lunches with me saying I was bored of eating the same thing every day and I would like some fruit. We decided instead to share my lunch and her apple. Even after I moved up in position at the factory we would meet here every day for lunch."

"When my father found out I was in love with her, he threatened to disown me. She was young, poor, and a widow at only 19. There was no way my family would have accepted her."

He was silent for a long time before I prodded, "Then what happened?"

"I married her of course. There was no one who could have made me change my mind. My family eventually came around. I was the only son, their heir you see."

"After she died .... I feel a part of me has left with her. I started coming here because I can still see her sitting right there on the bench waiting for me to join her someday."

I smiled at Som. Who knew he could be so romantic. "It's always about food with you huh?"

He chuckled, "Haaha, the way to my heart."    

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