Chapter 22

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Arthit's POV

When I walked into my dorm room I was expecting it to be dark and stuffy and covered in stains. What I found was an airy room, with curtains spread apart with a spotless floor. Even the rest of my room had been cleaned, books arranged, clothes ironed, desks, shelves, mirrors everything was scrubbed. I didn't even need to ask. It couldn't have been anyone but Kong. When did he even have the time to come here and clean? He has been next to me almost the entire time since they must have found me in this room.

Ugh. I can't believe he had to come here and clean all the blood and grime. I needed to find a way of thanking him. The way I left made it seem like I didn't want to stay at his place anymore and I could tell he was hurt when I hightailed out of there. But I needed to keep a huge distance between Mike and Kong. Mike was like a virus. Once he entered your life he wouldn't leave until it was completely rotten away.

I grabbed my phone from the charger and went into my previous text conversations with Kong. It was mostly a one sided conversation with every second message being some form of a happy emoji from Kong. I was chuckling at some random image he had sent earlier when I by mistake clicked call. Barely half a ring later Kong picked up, before I even had a chance to hit cancel.

"Hello, P'Arthit"

"Oh hi Kong"

"Where are you?"

"At my dorm room"

"Oh? I thought you were going to stay with Mike."

"Uh, yeah, I kinda missed my room and things. So I decided to come back. Oh by the way, thanks for cleaning my room Kong. You really didn't have to."

"Ofcourse I had to P'Arthit. It just .. uh .. just needed to be cleaned. How is your hand?"

"Not too bad. I took a painkiller earlier. I can barely feel it now."

"That's good. Grandpa is quite upset you left. He hasn't said anything but he has gotten grumpier than usual"

"I should probably find some way to thank him. And apologize for leaving so abruptly."

"I can probably help you come up with something. P'Arthit, I am coming back to the dorm tomorrow."

"Why? We still have over a week before classes begin."

"I had stayed back only because you were here. I was planning to visit just for a few days anyway."

"Oh okay"

"Is it ok?"

"Is what ok?"

"If I come to visit you in your dorm room tomorrow?"

"Yeah why won't it be ok? I mean let me know before you come by though, just in case I am out."

"That's great P'Arthit. Ok I need to go pacify grandpa now. He seems to be snapping everybody's head off. See you tomorrow. Rest well P'Arthit."

I sighed heavily once Kong hung up. How did he manage to make such a crappy day end well? I had been dreading not getting to see him until the end of the break but now I get to see him tomorrow. I should probably spend the day looking for jobs but maybe after dinner I can meet up with Kong for some time.

I was just drifting off to sleep when my phone rang again. It was a number I didn't recognize and I felt my stomach drop. Oh please lord, no more surprises.


"Where the fuck are you? It's past time for you to show up for your shift."


"Who else would it be? Get your ass here, and be quick."

I didn't even respond. I jumped right off the bed and in less that 4 minutes I was out the door. I probably shouldn't have run as much as I did with my injuries but I was just so excited to get to the factory.

"Som! Im here!"

"You are late. Don't think I won't deduct your pay. Wait you aren't hired yet. Did you bring your daily offering?"

I raised the bag containing the egg sandwich and wiggled by eyebrows. "You thought I would forget didn't you?"

"Kong said you were upset I left. I knew I hold a tender spot in your heart."

"Of course I was upset. You promised to pay me back for all my effort and then I see you sucking face with some random boy, roughing it up in the bedroom, and running right off with him. No 'thank you for everything, sorry for disturbing your life, how much do I owe you', nothing. Kids these days have no manners at all."

"Woah woah woah slow down there Som! Firstly, I wasn't sucking face with anyone least of all Mike, yuck! Secondly, the only rough activity in the bedroom was me punching him for showing up uninvited, and thirdly I didn't run off with him. I went to my room. Alone. And ofcourse finally, thank you very much Som, how can I ever repay you?"

"Are you sure this is what happened? Cause Kong and I definitely saw you sucking face and 20 minutes later leaving with him"

"Is that what Kong thinks? Oh shit! There is absolutely nothing between Mike and me. Infact my favorite pastime is to think of ways of eliminating Mike from my life permanently. Shit shit shit."

"Oh give it a rest. Why do you care so much anyway? I am sure Kong sucks face with his girls in front of you all the time. Infact I think this Mike fellow is quite good looking, maybe you should flaunt him in front of Kong a little. Little jealously is good for every relation."

"Som I honestly don't get whose side you are on. Kong is your grandson you know."

"Why do I need to be on any body's side? You young people and your funny love lives are amusing to me."

"Remind me to never take love advice from you."

"Ah! Why do I get the feeling that you will beeating your words very soon"    

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