Chapter 28

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Kong's POV

My neck is sore. That was the first thought through my mind while the sleep fog was clearing up. I realized my neck was in an uncomfortable position since my head was resting on P'Arthit's shoulder. I kept my eyes shut while still trying to wake up to prevent P'Arthit from moving away from under me. I could tell it was still dark when I heard P'Arthit talk softly but I wasn't fully awake to follow the conversation.

"Som can you take him home please"

"How do you expect me to carry a grown ass man home all on my own?"

"Wake him up and then take him home. He is going to be sore all over."

"Why don't you take him home?"

"I am still at work remember?"

"Then take him once you are done. I am sure he would rather go home with you than me."

"Why am I hired here anymore if both of you insist on being here. Might as well guard the factory too. What is he doing here anyway?"

"I think he came to talk to you."

"He didn't do too much talking though."

"Of course he couldn't with the cold shoulder you were giving him. Who can have a conversation with an ice cube."

"Hey, you said you wouldn't take sides."

"How am I taking sides? I don't even know what happened. I mean I can guess that he probably jumped your bones and you freaked out."


"I am right aren't I? I knew he was going to make a move, you see my Kong isn't a wuss"

"Som!! Sshhh..... you will wake him up. Also, he shouldn't be making any moves on anyone. He still has a girlfriend who doesn't even..."

"I don't have a girlfriend" I snapped my head up. Hearing that word from P'Arthit had woken me up instantly.

I was following behind P'Arthit keeping a little distance as we walked towards our dorms. I wanted to talk to him but I wasn't sure what I could say at this point. Apparently there was a whole another life that P'Arthit was living that I wasn't a part of and I didn't know how to bridge the gap.

Subconsciously, I had slowed my pace and the distance between us was increasing when I looked up to see P'Arthit covertly trying to walk backwards so that I could catch up to him. I had started to choke up with uncertainty earlier but now I just burst out laughing.

P'Arthit turned to give me the stink eye but I smiled and rushed ahead to reach next to him.

"P'Arthit, I..." I started but he quickly cut me off.

"Listen Kong whatever it is can we talk later? I am tired and I really need to sleep. If we talk right now I won't be rational and I really don't want to fight."

"Yes P'Arthit. We can talk later. Whenever you want. Can I still walk you home?" He nodded and we continued on our way.

I know I was being selfish but I still needed to know when I would see him next. Without his phone it was getting harder to keep in touch with him.

"Can I come by your room later today?"

"No I will be out. I am not sure when I will return."

I frowned, but continued "I can just wait at your place if you aren't back. Mike will still be there right?" Now that I knew the devil incarnate was P'Arthit's brother I think I could learn to hate him a little less.

He abruptly stopped and grabbed my elbow a little too tightly. "No! Kong you are to not go to my room. Promise me you will stay away from my room."


"KONG! Promise me."

"Okay, yes, yes. I won't go to your room."

"And you won't talk to Mike unless I am around."


"Because I say so."

"That isn't a valid reason."

"Do you want to talk to me later?"

"P'Arthit are you blackmailing me?"


"Wow! Ok yes I want to talk to you later."

"So you will make sure you don't talk to him without me around?"

"What if he talks to me? What am I supposed to do? Run in the other direction?" I thought he was exaggerating so I was trying to play along. Instead, with an extremely serious expression he added.

"Yes. Run. As fast as you can."

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