Chapter 3

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Arthit's POV

"Som! I brought you a surprise." I raised the pack of cupcakes towards the light with a broad smile.

"Oh my god! You failed your exam didn't you? You are going to make me tutor you now. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to help a moron."

"Relax Som! I didn't fail anything. I would have you know, I score amongst the top in my year"

"Great! Now that's all I needed to hear, an entire generation of morons. So what's with the cakes? How much homework do you need help with now?"

"No homework for tonight" I declared happily. "Tonight we eat and be merry. I mean, ofcourse I still have to work. Protect the factory and all, so be as merry as we can. It's my birthday today."

Som took a few moments to choose the flavor he wanted and stuffed the entire cupcake in his mouth in one go. After a few minutes of chewing he huffed "Boy! Let me tell you, this is one lame birthday. Even the cake was stale. Don't you have any friends to celebrate?"

"I have lots of friends. I am not entirely sure if they remember though. We aren't generally known to celebrate each other's birthdays. Nearly everyone goes back to visit their families on their birthdays."

We fell silent continuing to eat more cupcakes, when Som suddenly turned around towards me with speed I didn't know the old man could achieve. "How do you know today is your birthday? Didn't you tell me you were dropped off at the orphanage when you were 4? You said you didn't remember anything before your arrival at the orphanage."

"Hmmm. I got to pick my birthday. All of us get new certificates for staying at the orphanage and attending school. Sometimes they assign you a birthdate, sometimes they let you pick. I was lucky since I got to pick."

"Why did you pick todays date?"

"The calendar in my room had a really cute puppy's picture for today's date."


We stayed silent for the next few hours. I saw him drift off to sleep and wake up a little while later. I poured tea for both of us and handed him a small piece of fruit to share.

"Kong has a new girlfriend. I didn't even know he had broken up with his last girlfriend." I murmured softly. Other than Knott, Som was the only other person who knew about my feeling for Kongpop. Although, Som had an entirely different approach towards addressing my heartbreak.

"Is she pretty?"

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Prettier than the earlier one?"

"I don't know. They are all pretty I guess."

"Why couldn't that Kongbob be here every night instead of you. We could discuss his pretty girlfriends. Instead I am stuck with you. Who do you think wants to go out with such a whiny kid like you."

"It is Kongpop, and I doubt he would ever need to work as a night guard. Although, I am sure if you ever met him you wouldn't be quite as grouchy. He has the most amazing smile. I bet he would even make you melt." I gave a small smile, remembering Kong's face. I had no doubt Kong would even manage to charm Som if they ever met.

"Som, aren't you supposed to be old and closed minded? How come you don't have a problem with me being with another man?"

"You are with another man? That's definitely a surprise to me. The rate with which you are going you are guaranteed to die a virgin, which in my books is a much bigger crime than being with an awesome boy like Konbob."

"It's Kongpop."

"Also when I fell in love with my beautiful wife, there were many difficulties we had to face too. But I never gave up on her. She was prettier than anyone else I had ever seen, and she remained the prettiest woman till her last breath. I fell in love just once and that was when I knew my soul was complete. You have fallen in love with a man, so what? Is your soul meant to be hanging alone on its own without its partner just because its not a love others understand?"

"Som I never knew you were such a romantic. I would have liked to meet your wife. She must have been an angel to have put up with you for so many years."

He went silent again. I could see him lost in thought, most likely thinking of his wife. The moon in the sky must be blue tonight, since I saw a soft smile on his face.

"Arthit I think she would have liked you too." And just like that it was one of the best birthdays I had in a very long time.

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