Chapter 4

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Arthit's POV

Thankfully it was a Friday. I wouldn't need to see anyone from University until Monday. Although, everyone was making plans to go to a party tonight. The group messaging kept beeping with plans being made and jokes being cracked in reference to Oak's dancing skills. Kong was again trying to get me to come. Trying to bribe me with his girlfriend's hot cousin who would be at the party who seemed to be interested in me. I quickly typed a response that I had to go back to visit family this weekend and too bad I would miss the gorgeous cousin. I sighed and settled back against the wall.

"Are you trying out for a boxing championship or something? How come once every month your face looks like you purposely went and insulted a kangaroo?"

"Is that supposed to be funny Som?"

"Not really. Is your face supposed to look like this?"

"I got in a small fight. It's nothing serious."

"Hmmm. It's amazing how you get into a small fight on the last day of every month. Its almost like a loan shark reminding its poor victim the amount of money they owe."

I gaped at him. My mouth hanging open with pure shock.

"H..Ho..How....Ummm....How did you know?"

"Did you forget you were the moron and not me. I have been alive too long, boy. I have seen many things in this world, most you don't even know exist. Now tell me, how did you get involved with loan sharks?"

"It's a long story Som. And a very boring one at that. Plus I don't think my jaw can handle too much talking tonight."

"Okay. But how come this month their vengeance seems more passionate. Did you bore them too with your sinfully bland love story?"

"No. I was a little short this month. I need to make it up somehow next month."

"Why were you short? You worked the same number of hours. And you obviously didn't spend any money on half way decent food. Honestly if I have to eat that awful egg sandwich one more day I will personally undertake the mission to kill all responsible chicken in this country."

I looked down slightly embarrassed. Som waited for my response with one raised eyebrow.

"I bought Kong a helmet. He broke his old one and he was driving around his motorbike without a helmet. It was just not safe."

Som stared at me silently for a minute without blinking. "Isnt your Bob from a rich family? Why couldn't he buy his own helmet?"

"It is KongPOP, And one of his classmates broke it. Kong wanted that guy to replace it for him as a matter of principle. And all the while they were having a battle of wills, Kong was driving around without a helmet."

"So this King Kong doesn't even know you bought him a helmet or got beaten to a pulp because of it. Moron!"

"Unfortunately, this moron once again got the egg sandwich and in order to protect all the chicken of the country I feel I shouldn't offer it to you."

"Oh give it here. Not like you can eat anything with that swollen jaw of yours. As if you weren't ugly enough, now I get to see the ugly you in black and blue shades."

I tried to smile at his comments, but Som was right. My jaw was pretty swollen right now and even a slight movement caused a sharp pain. I really hoped it would reasonably heal by Monday. I didn't want to miss classes, but at the same time I couldn't explain my bruises to my friends and professors.

"Oh infinite wisdom Som. Do you have any tricks to not have a swollen jaw and back and blue bruises show up on my face come Monday?"

"Hmmm. There is this one thing you can try. It's not totally obvious but it has a very good chance of success."

"Really? What is it?"

"Don't get beat up, moron."

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