Chapter 31

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Kong's POV

I woke up with a massive throbbing headache. I could barely open my eyes to take in where I was. Why was I asleep on the bathroom floor? Ahhh! Please make the hammering in my head stop. After P'Arthit had cruelly rejected me with a simple "Not interested, sorry" last night, I had gone drinking with Aim and Oak. If torturing my body was the aim then mission accomplished. I think I successfully ruined my liver last night and it seemed the headache would stay with me forever.

I could hear my phone ringing from the bedroom. I initially decided to ignore it since I was in no condition of holding a normal conversation right now. When the phone kept ringing over and over again, I decided to crawl to the bedroom just to make it stop.

I saw grandpa calling and slowly lifted the phone to my ear and said hoarsely, "Hello"

"What did you do to Arthit?"

"Huh?" Why was everything just so loud?

"Did you get another girlfriend?"

"What? No. What are you talking about?"

"So what ever happened to him has nothing to do with you?"

"What happened to P'Arthit?"

"If I knew would I be calling you? Why do you sound like that? Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah I...uh had gone out last night."

"Gone out?"

There was a long silence. Before grandpa finally said "Get your ass here right now."

When I finally reached home I found grandpa with a scowl deeper than I had ever seen before. He seemed to be in a particularly bad mood and with the heartbreak I was currently nursing I wasn't sure I could deal with everything he would throw my way. I didn't even know why I was here. I wanted to stay in my bed and wallow in pity and anger.

"So....what happened to P'Arthit?" I asked testily. I was still very raw from yesterday but I was always a sponge when it came to news about P'Arthit.

"He was crying."

My head snapped up. I could not have heard that right. "He was what?"

"Crying. All night. Looked very ugly."

"Crying? Wh...Why? Why would he be crying?" My head was spinning. Why would he be crying? He had rejected me. He had broken my heart. What would he be sad about?

"I can take a pretty good guess but if you don't already know the reason then maybe it has nothing to do with you."

"What is your guess?"

"There was one confession and one rejection. Right now I am trying to figure out who did what?"

My eyes went wide. Shit Shit Shit. Grandpa knew I liked P'Arthit. Grandpa knew I liked a man. Shit Shit Shit.

I was contemplating flat out denying it but absolutely no one can lie to grandpa and get away with it. "How did you know I like him?" I asked, scared of his reaction.

"You I had only guessed. Him I knew for sure. My bet was actually on him confessing. So he rejected you huh? That is interesting."

I took a moment to absorb all this information. I repeated his sentence over and over again in my head before it started clicking. Him Confessing.

"Did he tell you he likes me?"



"When what?"

"Grandpa!! When did he tell you he likes me!"

"You need to be more specific. You want the first time, last time, or the frequency?"

I was still shell shocked. I did not know how to take in this information. P'Arthit liked me. P'Arthit liked me. And he had told my grandpa. Apparently, more than once. No, many times.

"Why? Why did he reject me then?"

"How would I know?"

"Do you really not know?"

"No. But again I can take a pretty good guess."

"What is your guess?"

"And I thought you were the smart one."

"Does it have to do with Mike or the reason he got beat up."

"Probably. It is high time I took care of this Mike fellow anyway. He is starting to annoy me."

"So you will help me sort out whatever is his problem?"

"Help you? No!"

" just said..."

"I am helping Arthit. I am tired of seeing him run around day and night. What you and Arthit do is none of my business."

"What will you do?"

"Oh I will find a way" grandpa smirked smugly."Didn't you know? I am very smart and also very rich."    

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